Aidan turned 1.5 yrs old on Monday the 9th. I can't believe he's growing up so fast. We went for his 18-month well-baby check up today and he's grown taller and heavier. He's right at around 50% for his weight (25 lbs 10 oz) and at 75% for his height (33 inches). Doctor said his head circumference is back on the chart at 90% or 95%. His head was so big that it was actually off the chart the last time we went in for his 15-month check-up. What can I say, he's a smart kid with a big head... I mean brain.
He's all over the place, making up all these weird words and humming songs that we sing to him. He got a few favorites and I think he actually got the tune of the songs pretty accurately. Will he be a future American Idol? At the check-up, we were trying to count to see if he can say 7-10 words. I guess he could, maybe not voluntarily speaking those words all the time, but he surely can imitate what we do and say. His current words are: nana (banana), wa-wa (water), mum mum (food), hi, bye, yum yum (unfortunately for the tylenol we feed him), uh-oh (his favorite expression lately) and other mumbo jumbo.
He's still a happy kid most of the time. But his evil-two behavior has come out as well. He would scream and fake-cry if he doesn't get what he wants. Really have to make sure we're not spoiling him (but it's so hard when he's so darn cute).
Now I am looking forward to my family visiting next month so that they can play with Dan Dan. My brother and sister have never met him (just through webcam), and they would love to play with him. Hank and I could use some babysitting service as well. ;)