Last night was the second night in a row that DanDan slept through the night without a pacifier. I am so glad he is able to cut it out of his life just like that. He actually has been pretty good with his pacifier, using it only when he sleeps. But still, after hearing horror stories, I'm glad this is an easy one for me. No paci fairies, no donating paci to poor children, just plain cold turkey! I am so proud of him!
DanDan has been talking a lot more even though we're unable to make out of the sounds coming out of his mouth. It's funny how he likes to talk in our ears or face when we're sleeping. Like he wants to whisper some secrets to us. He's still as musical as ever. Especially now that his mouth is not being shut by a paci, when he lies down in bed at night, he would sing for a little while before falling asleep. In the morning, instead of quietly waiting for us to get him, he would be saying "ma ma" and talking to himself loudly. It's all broadcasted through the baby monitor. Even though I know he's not saying "ma ma" to call me his room, it still motivates me a little more to go in his room early in the morning to fetch him.
I am thinking about what to dress him up for Halloween. I really want to get him an airline pilot outfit since he's been obsessed with airplanes in the sky. We live close to the airport and we see airplane very often. But I can't seem to find a 18-24-month outfit. They are either 18 months, or 2T-4T. Gotta keep searching. Or maybe I should just get different pieces separately, so that he can actually re-wear the shirt or pants or jacket after Halloween.
Ah, my boy is growing up so fast.