Memorial day weekend wasn't super exciting, but it was nice family time.
Aidan got to play at two different places with other kids. One of our favorite places is the Tanforan Mall. They have this children's playground where Aidan can run around and not get hurt (unless a big kid runs into him or pushes him). When he first went there with daddy, he was unsure of what to do. Daddy had to climb through the tunnel to show him what to do. However, this time around, he wanted Mommy to hold onto him so he could walk up the little slide (as there were no steps). That's what Daddy showed him last time. He's not as timid and actually felt quite at home in the playground. We go to this mall almost every week and it's only recently that we let Aidan play in the play area. Daddy is always worried about other kids getting him sick or him being too young to play there. Mommy could never win the argument. Now that we've taken him there, it's a load of fun for him. I think he definitely needs to hang out with more kids around his age, especially boys. At day care, he hangs out with 2 girls, one's 3 years old, and the other is a month younger than he is. At the playground, he got to hang out with other kids, especially boys that are about his age. But we noticed that he usually checks out other girls instead ;)
Last weekend, we also went to Ikea. The trip was mainly for my wedding shopping for tealights and holders, and other misc. stuff. However, we love Ikea because of how baby-friendly the place is. You can't beat all the children play areas throughout the store. We tried to find the blue-ball pool that Aidan played in before, but couldn't find it. But that's quite ok, we found another play area that's even better... the children's section! He's old enough to climb up the little slide and slid down by himself. Mommy was so proud of him. Because of the bad habit of walking up the slide at the Tanforan playground, he wanted to do the same at Ikea. Mommy had to redirect him a couple times to go through the back where the steps were, instead of up the front and blocking other kids. I think he had tons of fun. Doesn't hurt when Ikea has free diapers and wipes, bottle warming station, baby care and family bathrooms... oh, and the Swedish meatballs.
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