Last weekend was a fun and busy weekend. We went to Palo Alto for Mel's annual bbq. It was Aidan's second bbq since he went last year as well. This time around, he had a lot more found. Instead of being stuck in a stroller, he was walking and running round. It was the first time he stepped on grass and he was walking like he was in new shoes for a second, before getting adjusted to the new sensation. Of course afterwards, he couldn't stop running on grass, then cement, then grass again. He also enjoys picking grass as well.
Another new fascination of his was football throwing. A few people were throwing football and Aidan just stood there, following the football with his eyes. He could stand there for more than 5 minutes (which was a long time for him), and just watched the guys play. I guess he's a true American and we should definitely introduce him to this real American sports. Unfortunately, mommy is not a big fan of football and this honorary coach task will be daddy's in the future.

Sunday, we met up with Leonor, Kyle and their new baby girl, Melanie. Melanie is such a cutie pie. She was in her best behavior (according to her parents, which doesn't happen frequent enough). On the other hand, Aidan was a little whiny and clingy. It took him a while to get used to them and started walking around in their house instead of clinging onto mommy and daddy. We spent some time in their house and Aidan got to climb up his first flight of stairs. He was a little scared at first, but then daddy said he went up twice! He still couldn't come down but with practice, he would be able to do so. Since we don't have stairs at home, his practice will be going to the playground and walking up the slide, which he loves play.
We then head to Santana Row for some lunch. It was such a nice and warm day, so different than the temperature that we're used to. I have to take off one of Aidan's shirt because he was sweating like crazy. After lunch, we split up and hopefully we get to hang out again. I wish we live closer to each other and we can hang out again more often. It's nice to share first-time-parent experiences.
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