*updated 9/30/09*
Mommy was so wrong. Your brother HATES the nasal chamber for the Albuterol. He did so well at the dr. office, but when we did that at home, he was kicking and screaming. I know it felt like he's being suffocated, but he gotta do it. I thought when he was sleeping, he wouldn't feel it. But when I woke up at 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. to do it, he woke up and struggled again. He did much better when I took him to Grandma's today.
Hello Logan,
So this is day 2 and your brother's fever is still around. I felt his forehead last night and early this morning, and he was fine. But after he's up and about, his forehead felt warm again. I measured his temperature with my not-so-accurate thermometer, and it was 99.5. If it was 99.5 with this crappy thermometer, I had a feeling it might be warmer.
So, I went on Kaiser's website to see if I would be lucky enough to get an appointment with the pediatrician today. Score! Appointment at 11:45 a.m., and I still have 1.5 hours to spare. I figured, since I am taking him to do the doctor, I should hold off the Motrin, so that we could get a more accurate temperature.
Your brother has been watching TV all morning. He was active and really was just himself. He did not seem lethargic, and his appetite though not huge, was definitely acceptable. So, I wasn't too concerned. I am more worried that he couldn't go to school tomorrow and I need to figure out how to take care of him, while going to work.
Aside from the fever, I noticed that yesterday and today morning, he was coughing up a storm. It seems to start when he first woke up, still lying in bed. But when he's up, then the coughing subsided.
So, your brother got his height and weight checked (40.5 inches and 36 lbs) and his temperature was at 99.9 degrees. I knew it's higher than what we measured at home. I told the doctor all the information that I had, he listened to your brother's lungs and voila! Wheezing! Doc asked if anyone in the family has asthma....Nope! I told him that Aidan did have one Albuterol treatment when he was very little, and then two more when we were in Macau. He said the possible wheezing, and maybe asthma, plus allergies might be causing the fever. On top of that, your brother might have caught a virus somewhere else (maybe at school since I know a few kids were out sick). Doc asked if I noticed Aidan coughing when he was running around (because of asthma). I don't think so, but then I am not 100% sure. I did notice he has a runny nose when he's at the park, or when I picked him up from school. I just always assume it was allergies, as he would be playing outside in the playground at school where there are trees and grass and dust.
So for now, your brother is prescribed with Albuterol treatment every 4 hours for the next day or two. Then nasal spray to help with the nasal drip twice a day, hopefully to help with the coughing. Doc also suggested to take Claritin for 4-6 weeks to help with allergies. "That's a long time! ", I said, but doc said the antihistamine was very mild and shouldn't be a problem. Doc said to do a phone appointment in 2 weeks to follow-up, and also to get the flu shot as well for the whole family.
Luckily, your big brother was a trooper. He didn't flinch during the Albuterol treatment, nor when I spray into his nostrils. He took the Claritin (like any other flavored medicine I give him) like a champ. I couldn't ask for a more cooperative little boy. But could I ask for a healthy boy? Is it too much to ask for a healthy son?
I also told Doc that we would be moving to Sunnyvale soon and would need to change to a different pediatrician. It was sad, as this Doc has been very supportive throughout your illness, and also your brother's care. He was nice, and quick to respond to my e-mails. He was sad, but said he has friends down in the Santa Clara Kaiser that he could refer us.
Let's hope your brother doesn't really have asthma for the rest of his life, and it's all because of the allergies and a possible virus that cause the wheezing. I know asthma is nothing too serious, but still, it could be for life. Logan, would you look after your big brother and pray for a speedy recovery for him?
Miss you,
These posts are letters written to Logan, telling him how much we miss and love him, and what's going on in our lives. Logan was diagnosed with Leigh's Disease, an incurable Mitochondrial Disease. He left us on April 15, 2009, one day shy of turning 5 months old. We love and miss him so much.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Day 2: Texas Trip - The Wiggly Play Center!

Going to The Wiggly Play Center was something that I absolutely wanted to do during this trip. It's not about site seeing, or eating at fancy restaurants (though I do want to check out Tim Love's restaurant, Lonesome Dove). I think we're more obsessed with The Wiggles! I am still pissed that I missed them when they're in the Bay Area.
Since my friend Judy told me about The Wiggly Play Center in the Dallas area, I've been researching and wanted to check it out. It boasts that it's the only indoor Wiggles-themed play center in the United States! Of course we'll have to go check it out! We're in the area! It's only 20 mins away from our hotel, in Frisco, TX.
So, on our second day, we headed out to hunt down this play center. It was easy to find, and we got there just a little past 10 a.m., when they opened. There was a Wiggles bounce house, a play structure with different slides and obstacle course, many TVs showing The Wiggles, a big screen tv, a cafe, tables and chairs for rest and seating, and a few other token-operated games. I printed out a couple online and it only cost us less than $6.50 (adults are free). We spent a good 2 hours there, and your brother had a lot of fun. I guess the highlight was towards the end when Wags the Dog showed up, and was dancing with the kids for 4 songs. Your brother was dancing and singing, and he definitely knew the lyrics and the dance. I had several clips of the songs, and just had to upload them so that I could show you. Even I had a lot of fun!
Since we went on a Friday, most of the kids there were younger kids who seem to stay at home with their mommies. I think your brother might be one of the older ones there, and Daddy was definitely the only daddy around. At the end, we bought a couple T-shirts, a hat and a Captain Feathersword sword. Those are souvenirs from this trip.
We then went for some bbq (gotta have meat in Texas), went back to the hotel to rest for a little while before the wedding rehearsal in the afternoon. Your brother really didn't nap much during this whole trip.
When we got to the Church for the rehearsal, I had to keep him busy by letting him watch movies on the Ipod Touch. He had to be there because he's the ring bearer, but his part of the rehearsal probably only took 2 minutes. He was paired up with a very pretty and cute flower girl though. They became fast friends, and also with the girls two older brothers.
It was a great day!
To be continued....
Aidan is sick
Hi Logan,
Your big brother has a low grade fever today. This morning when he woke up, and was fine, despite not sleeping enough and some coughing. He was still active in the morning and when he left the house. But then daddy called me at 9 a.m. after dropping him off at school, and said that his head felt a little warm, and he was sleepy in the car. The teacher measured his temperature, 99 degrees, and he pretty much stayed at that in the morning.
I decided to pick him up from school early so that he could rest better at home, and not running around at school. Teacher said he didn't eat much for lunch. When we got home, I gave him some Motrin and tried to get him to nap. However, he just wouldn't sleep. I tried for 1.5 hrs and he was still very much awake. I gave up. I gave him some snacks since he didn't eat much, and he ate a popsicle, leftover pasta from dinner last night and a small piece of granola bar. Wow, he's hungry! Maybe that's why he didn't nap. However, your brother hardly complains about being hungry.
The rest of the afternoon, we just watched more Wiggles and videos from our trip. Mommy just couldn't get any work done from home, aside from a few emails. I had to take the day off tomorrow to take care of him, as he couldn't go back to school yet. The school policy is that he would have to be cleared of his fever for 24 hrs before going back to school.
I gave him another dose of Motrin before he went to bed at 8:30 p.m. He didn't feel too warm, but just in case. Hopefully, his fever is gone.
Your big brother has a low grade fever today. This morning when he woke up, and was fine, despite not sleeping enough and some coughing. He was still active in the morning and when he left the house. But then daddy called me at 9 a.m. after dropping him off at school, and said that his head felt a little warm, and he was sleepy in the car. The teacher measured his temperature, 99 degrees, and he pretty much stayed at that in the morning.
I decided to pick him up from school early so that he could rest better at home, and not running around at school. Teacher said he didn't eat much for lunch. When we got home, I gave him some Motrin and tried to get him to nap. However, he just wouldn't sleep. I tried for 1.5 hrs and he was still very much awake. I gave up. I gave him some snacks since he didn't eat much, and he ate a popsicle, leftover pasta from dinner last night and a small piece of granola bar. Wow, he's hungry! Maybe that's why he didn't nap. However, your brother hardly complains about being hungry.
The rest of the afternoon, we just watched more Wiggles and videos from our trip. Mommy just couldn't get any work done from home, aside from a few emails. I had to take the day off tomorrow to take care of him, as he couldn't go back to school yet. The school policy is that he would have to be cleared of his fever for 24 hrs before going back to school.
I gave him another dose of Motrin before he went to bed at 8:30 p.m. He didn't feel too warm, but just in case. Hopefully, his fever is gone.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Day 1 - Texas Trip : Arrival
Hello Logan,
Our trip to Texas was tiring, but fun. Our flight there was uneventful and everything went fine. We arrived earlier than expected, and was picked up by your Granduncle Tom. He was nice enough to scramble (big time!) to find your brother a car seat, get us a hotel (along with other relatives and friends), and really took care of us. He even lent us his GPS device, which was tremendously helpful.
When we arrived at Granduncle and Grandauntie's house, your brother was fascinated by a couple of things: a cute doggie named Oreo, a piano and a keyboard. Those three things kept him happy for a very long time. I never thought your brother would enjoy playing the piano or the keyboard. But then, the keyboard has everything that he likes, lights, buttons and music. He was also so in love with Oreo that it was totally adorable. He was a little apprehensive at first, but was able to warm up to Oreo, and Oreo to him after a while.
Later in the afternoon, we headed out to a playground/park nearby. They had this huge play structure, and a large area with many ducks. We spent almost an hour there. Your brother, despite being tired from the flight, ran around like crazy. He was just walking up and down the play structure to the different 'towers'. I had to really encourage him to try other parts of the structure. Grandaunt Cerina brought some bread, and we were able to feed the ducks and pigeons by the water.
Dinner was served by your Great Grandma from Taiwan, Grandma, and two Grandaunts. A lovely home-cooked meal enjoyed by all four generations. After dinner, we went back to our hotel and totally crashed! We were so tired.
This ends the first day of our trip.
To be continued...
Our trip to Texas was tiring, but fun. Our flight there was uneventful and everything went fine. We arrived earlier than expected, and was picked up by your Granduncle Tom. He was nice enough to scramble (big time!) to find your brother a car seat, get us a hotel (along with other relatives and friends), and really took care of us. He even lent us his GPS device, which was tremendously helpful.
Later in the afternoon, we headed out to a playground/park nearby. They had this huge play structure, and a large area with many ducks. We spent almost an hour there. Your brother, despite being tired from the flight, ran around like crazy. He was just walking up and down the play structure to the different 'towers'. I had to really encourage him to try other parts of the structure. Grandaunt Cerina brought some bread, and we were able to feed the ducks and pigeons by the water.
Dinner was served by your Great Grandma from Taiwan, Grandma, and two Grandaunts. A lovely home-cooked meal enjoyed by all four generations. After dinner, we went back to our hotel and totally crashed! We were so tired.
This ends the first day of our trip.
To be continued...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Family Weekend
Hello Sweetheart,
What a beautiful and warm weekend we have! Luckily, we stopped by earlier this morning to see you before it got too hot. Sorry we didn't stay long enough. As I've told you, your brother's attention span only lasts so long when we're there. He is not patient enough to hang out for longer, and he gets distracted by pinwheels and other stuff. Hey, but at least he sang you "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". I have been encouraging him to sing new songs that he learned at school, but he usually gravitates towards "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". That's still his favorite song.
After visiting you, we went down to BJ's Brewery in Cupertino for Uncle John and Auntie Katie's engagement brunch. Yes, they're getting married! Do you remember they came by to visit you when you're at the hospital? Now Auntie Katie will officially join the Lee family soon. Daddy will be flying to Taiwan during Thanksgiving week for their wedding. Mommy and big brother will stay back here.
Another big news was Tai Po (Daddy's grandmother) and Yee Po (Daddy's aunt) from Taiwan came last Thursday. We went over to Grandma's house to meet them yesterday. Unfortunately, Grandma was called into work, so she could not join us when we took them down to our new house. Yeh Yeh (Grandpa) was fortunately able to join everyone. We all had dim sum, including Uncle John and Auntie Katie, in Cupertino. Daddy then went with Yeh Yeh to meet with the Loan Officer to finalize the details of the loan and the closing costs. Hopefully, we could move into our new townhome next month. It's exciting! Well, maybe not for the packing and unpacking part.
Next going is going to be fun. We'll be flying to Dallas for your auntie's wedding. I'll tell you more about that when we come home.
Love you,
What a beautiful and warm weekend we have! Luckily, we stopped by earlier this morning to see you before it got too hot. Sorry we didn't stay long enough. As I've told you, your brother's attention span only lasts so long when we're there. He is not patient enough to hang out for longer, and he gets distracted by pinwheels and other stuff. Hey, but at least he sang you "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". I have been encouraging him to sing new songs that he learned at school, but he usually gravitates towards "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". That's still his favorite song.
After visiting you, we went down to BJ's Brewery in Cupertino for Uncle John and Auntie Katie's engagement brunch. Yes, they're getting married! Do you remember they came by to visit you when you're at the hospital? Now Auntie Katie will officially join the Lee family soon. Daddy will be flying to Taiwan during Thanksgiving week for their wedding. Mommy and big brother will stay back here.
Another big news was Tai Po (Daddy's grandmother) and Yee Po (Daddy's aunt) from Taiwan came last Thursday. We went over to Grandma's house to meet them yesterday. Unfortunately, Grandma was called into work, so she could not join us when we took them down to our new house. Yeh Yeh (Grandpa) was fortunately able to join everyone. We all had dim sum, including Uncle John and Auntie Katie, in Cupertino. Daddy then went with Yeh Yeh to meet with the Loan Officer to finalize the details of the loan and the closing costs. Hopefully, we could move into our new townhome next month. It's exciting! Well, maybe not for the packing and unpacking part.
Next going is going to be fun. We'll be flying to Dallas for your auntie's wedding. I'll tell you more about that when we come home.
Love you,
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Happy 10 months old, Sweetheart!
Hello Logan,
It's the 16th, and the 15th has just passed. Another month has gone. It really doesn't feel any easier. I received mail from the Donor Services of the Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation today. It always reminds me that you're not here anymore. This time, a newsletter was included and I found this poem written by a donor mom, Reecie Miller, who has also lost her child.
If I had Just One More Day!
I remember watching you sleep at night,
Praying the angels would guard you tight.
I hoped and dreamed for your life to be,
Filled with more than my eyes could see.
I had no idea
That we had few moments to share,
That you would leave my arms
And return to God's care!
How my heart aches to hold you once more,
To hear you say, "Mama"
And watch you run to the door.
If God would grant me
Just one more day with you,
These are the things
I would want us to do!
I would gently wake you up
And run my fingers through your hair,
Whispering, "Good morning, handsome,
Mommy's right here!"
We would play peek-a-boo
With the sheets.
Then I'd kiss you all over
And pinch your sweet cheeks!
We'd go swimming in the pool
Like we always would do,
But today we'd stay a little longer
A little longer than we should!
I would let you run through the house naked
And I would laugh while you ran.
Then I would pick you back up
And want to do it all again!
Life is too short to worry
About all the small things.
Time is way more precious
More precious than it seems!
Love & Miss you so much,
It's the 16th, and the 15th has just passed. Another month has gone. It really doesn't feel any easier. I received mail from the Donor Services of the Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation today. It always reminds me that you're not here anymore. This time, a newsletter was included and I found this poem written by a donor mom, Reecie Miller, who has also lost her child.
If I had Just One More Day!
I remember watching you sleep at night,
Praying the angels would guard you tight.
I hoped and dreamed for your life to be,
Filled with more than my eyes could see.
I had no idea
That we had few moments to share,
That you would leave my arms
And return to God's care!
How my heart aches to hold you once more,
To hear you say, "Mama"
And watch you run to the door.
If God would grant me
Just one more day with you,
These are the things
I would want us to do!
I would gently wake you up
And run my fingers through your hair,
Whispering, "Good morning, handsome,
Mommy's right here!"
We would play peek-a-boo
With the sheets.
Then I'd kiss you all over
And pinch your sweet cheeks!
We'd go swimming in the pool
Like we always would do,
But today we'd stay a little longer
A little longer than we should!
I would let you run through the house naked
And I would laugh while you ran.
Then I would pick you back up
And want to do it all again!
Life is too short to worry
About all the small things.
Time is way more precious
More precious than it seems!
Love & Miss you so much,
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Yard Sale
Hello Sweetheart,
Mommy is so tired! It was a long day today organizing and hosting a yard sale. First of all, it was stressful to get everything ready yesterday, and I didn't sleep well at all. Then bright and early, Mommy had to go out and get stuff set up at 8 a.m. Guess what, thunderstorms in the Bay Area! We haven't had thunderstorms in a long time and they had to pick today to strike!
Luckily, there was no rain, and I only heard the sounds of thunder. My sale was supposed to start at 9 a.m., but Mommy waited till about 9 a.m. to start putting stuff out. The weather has gotten better throughout the day, though still quite foggy and overcast. Uncle Yance joined Mommy and brought all of this stuff to sell. It's great that we're doing it as a tag team, as he got stuff that interest our male customers, and I got stuff that interest the other mommies and female customers. He also kept me company as Daddy had to work again. Big brother spent the day at Grandma's house.
Because it's a city-wide event, I saw on Craigslist that there were many other households hosting gargage sales as well. I am not sure if the competition is thinning out our profit margin, or actually bringing more people out to drive around looking for deals. Either way, it wasn't a bad day. I made $87! It also helped that I posted an ad on Craigslist yesterday and today, announcing the sale of baby items. I know baby items are popular. I know at least one mom read my ad and came.
Most of my stuff were your brother's and your clothes and toys, picture frames, baby items, and my old purses that I have forgotten. I got rid of maybe 1 out of 4 boxes of clothes, selling them really cheap: $0.25 for each piece of clothing. That's a steal, as some were never even worn! If only I sold them all for $1, I would have quadruple my profits! But it's all good. The main goal was not to make money, but to get rid of them. I was gonna donate them anyway, might as well try to sell them. I still have a lot of stuff left, and will probably do another sale before we move. By then, if I don't sell all the items, I would probably donate them all to Goodwill or Salvation Army.
Now that the sale is over, my house is a mess! I need to re-sort all the clothes, maybe get more stuff out ready and put them aside for the next sale.
Overall, it wasn't a bad day. Now I just need to lie down and rest my feet.
Love you,
Mommy is so tired! It was a long day today organizing and hosting a yard sale. First of all, it was stressful to get everything ready yesterday, and I didn't sleep well at all. Then bright and early, Mommy had to go out and get stuff set up at 8 a.m. Guess what, thunderstorms in the Bay Area! We haven't had thunderstorms in a long time and they had to pick today to strike!
Luckily, there was no rain, and I only heard the sounds of thunder. My sale was supposed to start at 9 a.m., but Mommy waited till about 9 a.m. to start putting stuff out. The weather has gotten better throughout the day, though still quite foggy and overcast. Uncle Yance joined Mommy and brought all of this stuff to sell. It's great that we're doing it as a tag team, as he got stuff that interest our male customers, and I got stuff that interest the other mommies and female customers. He also kept me company as Daddy had to work again. Big brother spent the day at Grandma's house.
Because it's a city-wide event, I saw on Craigslist that there were many other households hosting gargage sales as well. I am not sure if the competition is thinning out our profit margin, or actually bringing more people out to drive around looking for deals. Either way, it wasn't a bad day. I made $87! It also helped that I posted an ad on Craigslist yesterday and today, announcing the sale of baby items. I know baby items are popular. I know at least one mom read my ad and came.
Most of my stuff were your brother's and your clothes and toys, picture frames, baby items, and my old purses that I have forgotten. I got rid of maybe 1 out of 4 boxes of clothes, selling them really cheap: $0.25 for each piece of clothing. That's a steal, as some were never even worn! If only I sold them all for $1, I would have quadruple my profits! But it's all good. The main goal was not to make money, but to get rid of them. I was gonna donate them anyway, might as well try to sell them. I still have a lot of stuff left, and will probably do another sale before we move. By then, if I don't sell all the items, I would probably donate them all to Goodwill or Salvation Army.
Now that the sale is over, my house is a mess! I need to re-sort all the clothes, maybe get more stuff out ready and put them aside for the next sale.
Overall, it wasn't a bad day. Now I just need to lie down and rest my feet.
Love you,
Monday, September 7, 2009
Labor Day Weekend - Origami, Golf, Games and Fruits
Dear Logan,
Did you like the origami flowers that Mommy brought you on Sunday? They turned out OK, but not as pretty as I thought they would be. Remember I said I liked the patterned paper more? They actually didn't look as nice when make into a bouquet. The patterns actually made everything looked too busy. Mommy bought new papers today and hopefully, the solid colors will make the bouquets look better next time. Mommy and big brother only visited you for a very short time the other day and I am so sorry we didn't stay longer. For some reason, your brother became very clingy and sad once we arrived to see you. It's probably because he was too tired from the miniature golf fun that we had earlier. He also mentioned something about missing you as well. He did take a picture of me holding the flowers when I asked him to.
Earlier the day, Mommy took your big brother to play miniature golf at Malibu in Redwood City. Daddy wasn't feeling well on Sunday, so only the two of us went. We had a lot of fun. The weather was nice, and it wasn't too busy, as we arrived early. After a round of golf, we headed into the arcade area and played some games. By now, your brother knew to put in tokens in order to have some fun. We didn't win too many tickets, and your brother didn't really care. He was just having fun driving cars, playing air hockey, pretending to play the guitar and drums, pressing buttons and rolling balls.
Today, we just went out to do some shopping, where I bought new origami papers for you. We spent most of our time at home chilling. We did head to our backyard and pick some pears and oranges from the fruit trees. Your brother hasn't done that since Ah Gung and Ah Po were here a few months ago. The pears are very ripe and many have fallen on the floor. However, I didn't see that many oranges yet. I think there were more in the winter when Ah Po was picking them. Either way, it was fun for your brother, and we got some free fruits. When we move down south, we won't be able to access fruits this way anymore.
Tomorrow Mommy will have to go back to work. It was actually nice to have a 4-day weekend, and I am dreading going back to work. At least this will be a short work week. This weekend will be a busy one as we're holding a yard sale on Saturday, and going to a birthday party on Sunday. The next few evenings, I will be busy getting ready for the yard sale. Hopefully, we could sell all of our stuff. We just have too many things before we move.
Love you,
Did you like the origami flowers that Mommy brought you on Sunday? They turned out OK, but not as pretty as I thought they would be. Remember I said I liked the patterned paper more? They actually didn't look as nice when make into a bouquet. The patterns actually made everything looked too busy. Mommy bought new papers today and hopefully, the solid colors will make the bouquets look better next time. Mommy and big brother only visited you for a very short time the other day and I am so sorry we didn't stay longer. For some reason, your brother became very clingy and sad once we arrived to see you. It's probably because he was too tired from the miniature golf fun that we had earlier. He also mentioned something about missing you as well. He did take a picture of me holding the flowers when I asked him to.
Earlier the day, Mommy took your big brother to play miniature golf at Malibu in Redwood City. Daddy wasn't feeling well on Sunday, so only the two of us went. We had a lot of fun. The weather was nice, and it wasn't too busy, as we arrived early. After a round of golf, we headed into the arcade area and played some games. By now, your brother knew to put in tokens in order to have some fun. We didn't win too many tickets, and your brother didn't really care. He was just having fun driving cars, playing air hockey, pretending to play the guitar and drums, pressing buttons and rolling balls.
Today, we just went out to do some shopping, where I bought new origami papers for you. We spent most of our time at home chilling. We did head to our backyard and pick some pears and oranges from the fruit trees. Your brother hasn't done that since Ah Gung and Ah Po were here a few months ago. The pears are very ripe and many have fallen on the floor. However, I didn't see that many oranges yet. I think there were more in the winter when Ah Po was picking them. Either way, it was fun for your brother, and we got some free fruits. When we move down south, we won't be able to access fruits this way anymore.
Tomorrow Mommy will have to go back to work. It was actually nice to have a 4-day weekend, and I am dreading going back to work. At least this will be a short work week. This weekend will be a busy one as we're holding a yard sale on Saturday, and going to a birthday party on Sunday. The next few evenings, I will be busy getting ready for the yard sale. Hopefully, we could sell all of our stuff. We just have too many things before we move.
Love you,
Friday, September 4, 2009
Origami Lilies
Dear Logan,
Mommy finally went to Daiso today and bought origami papers to make flowers for you. I bought two different types: regular, patterned, colored papers, and plasticy, clear, poly ones. The patterend ones are really nice and they made great flowers. However, I am still worried about them getting all wet when the gardener watered the grass. So, I bought the other type, hoping that would work better. However, they don't look as nice and are somewhat difficult to be folded. I think I will stick with the nicer ones. I have yet to go to Michael's to get materials for the stem of the flowers. It won't take me long to make you a dozen lilies, as I can make them while watching tv.
Your big brother's school is closed today for Staff Development. So, I took the day off and spent time with him. We hung out at home most of the morning, had a leisure, lazy breakfast of peanut butter and jelly sandwich, then laid down in bed and read some books. We then headed over to the park/playground for a while, until your brother's allergies were really acting up. For lunch, I brought him to my workplace and ate with my co-workers. They were all very delighted to see your brother, esp. it's been a while since they last saw him. Now that I work in the Daly City office, and Aidan's school is in Palo Alto, it is dificult to bring him in for a visit to the SF office. It was after our visit at work that we went to Daiso to buy the origami papers. Your brother came home and napped for 2.5 hrs. That's why he's still awake in his bed for the last 40 mins! Daddy, on the other hand, has already fallen asleep after putting in many hours of work. Daddy has been working a lot for the last couple weeks.
Mommy read from other grieving parent blogs that another mother has lost her 3rd baby. It's such a sad story. Three babies, and they were all dead. Losing one child is devastating enough already. I don't want to imagine or know what it's like to lose more than one, let alone three. Logan, if you're up in heaven and see little baby Jet, please welcome him with open arms. Pray that his family will recover soon from such devastation.
It's a long weekend for us. We'll come visit you soon, and Mommy will bring you a nice bouquet of handmade origami lilies.
Love you,
Mommy finally went to Daiso today and bought origami papers to make flowers for you. I bought two different types: regular, patterned, colored papers, and plasticy, clear, poly ones. The patterend ones are really nice and they made great flowers. However, I am still worried about them getting all wet when the gardener watered the grass. So, I bought the other type, hoping that would work better. However, they don't look as nice and are somewhat difficult to be folded. I think I will stick with the nicer ones. I have yet to go to Michael's to get materials for the stem of the flowers. It won't take me long to make you a dozen lilies, as I can make them while watching tv.
Your big brother's school is closed today for Staff Development. So, I took the day off and spent time with him. We hung out at home most of the morning, had a leisure, lazy breakfast of peanut butter and jelly sandwich, then laid down in bed and read some books. We then headed over to the park/playground for a while, until your brother's allergies were really acting up. For lunch, I brought him to my workplace and ate with my co-workers. They were all very delighted to see your brother, esp. it's been a while since they last saw him. Now that I work in the Daly City office, and Aidan's school is in Palo Alto, it is dificult to bring him in for a visit to the SF office. It was after our visit at work that we went to Daiso to buy the origami papers. Your brother came home and napped for 2.5 hrs. That's why he's still awake in his bed for the last 40 mins! Daddy, on the other hand, has already fallen asleep after putting in many hours of work. Daddy has been working a lot for the last couple weeks.
Mommy read from other grieving parent blogs that another mother has lost her 3rd baby. It's such a sad story. Three babies, and they were all dead. Losing one child is devastating enough already. I don't want to imagine or know what it's like to lose more than one, let alone three. Logan, if you're up in heaven and see little baby Jet, please welcome him with open arms. Pray that his family will recover soon from such devastation.
It's a long weekend for us. We'll come visit you soon, and Mommy will bring you a nice bouquet of handmade origami lilies.
Love you,
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