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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkins and Pizza!

Dear Logan,

Weather is definitely changing.  Fall has come upon us, bringing cooler temperature and rain.  It's been cloudy and rainy the last few days.  I like the Fall weather, but not the rain.

Today has been a very productive and fun day.  Because of the weather, we didn't go out.  But in order to keep your brother away from the TV and any electronics, I had to keep him busy.  He was watching his beloved Mickey Mouse Clubhouse this morning for a while.  But then, I was able to tempt him to go outside and play some baseball and soccer with me.  I was going to take him to the Children Museum in the afternoon, but then I got lazy and took a nap instead.  Of course, the point was to get your brother to sleep, but he didn't nap at all.  But at least he rested for a while.

Then the real fun began.  Yesterday, we went to Safeway and bought 2 big pumpkins and a few small ones.  Ever since I had my first pumpkin carving experience last year, I wanted to do it again this year, and maybe many more years to come.  Though I didn't grow up carving pumpkins, your brother has to have this experience.  At first, he wanted to carve Mickey Mouse, then today he changed his mind to Minnie Mouse.  He said he wanted Minnie Mouse because she's pretty.  Isn't he too young to like pretty girls?  So, I printed out the pictures of Mickey and Minnie from the Disney website and attempted doing it.

I set-up the table and Aidan assisted me for a while in scooping out the seeds and meat out of the pumpkins.  It was hard work, and was a little difficult for him.  This process took so long that he got bored and went to play with his toys instead.  So, this project ended up being completed by Daddy and Mommy.  I was glad Daddy finished working in time to take pictures and to carve out a Mickey Mouse.  I did Minnie and was so proud of the finished product.  I think the end products were pretty good, don't you think so?

Then comes the second part of our fun day... Pizza making.  Last week, Aidan wanted to make pizza, but we were unable to do that.  So yesterday, we went shopping for the ingredients and made it today.  Aidan was a lot of more involved in this process.  He assisted in spreading the tomato sauce, sprinkling cheese, layering his favorite pepperoni, mushrooms, pineapple and more cheese.  The pizza was pretty tasty!  We even have leftovers for breakfast or lunch tomorrow.

We had a rather productive day today.  Now I just hope the weather would be nice next weekend so that we can go trick-or-treating.  When we come by next Saturday to see you, I'll bring you some small pumpkins, ok?

Love you,

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