Wow.. what a busy Halloween we had! I was so tired yesterday that I slept from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.!
After visiting you and bringing you the two little pumpkins, we met up with Melanie, Uncle Kyle and Auntie Leonor at Happy Hollow for a "scare-free" Halloween! It has got to be one of the warmest Hallweens I've had in a long time. I was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and sweating the whole afternoon in the sun. Actually, I might have gotten a little sun burnt. Your poor brother was so hot that I had to take off his inner shirt, and not put on the headpiece for his outfit. He was wearing thick pants inside, and the elastics of his wings were too short and hurting him. But after taking off all the uncomfortable garments, he was free and silly as usual.
There were so many kids at Happy Hollow. It was really cute as almost all kids were dressed up. I see many parents dressed up as well. I don't think anyone has predicted such a warm day, as many kids dressed in pretty warm costumes, probably better suited for night time trick-or-treating. We didn't collect a lot of candies, since most stations were giving out non-food items such as flower seeds, buttons, paper helicopter, etc. Us adults wanted to hit all the trick-or-treat stations, but the kids had a mind of their own. They didn't care about trick-or-treating. They just wanted to go and have fun, and get on the rides. I think this is especially true for your brother than Melanie. We stayed a good 2.5-3 hours, and left after the 3 p.m. parade. We were so tired that I almost wanted to give up and not head to Auntie Alex's house for dinner and trick-or-treat. Aidan was so tired in the car, I thought he would fall asleep on our way home.
But after changing out his thick pants and rested for a little while, he was as energetic as ever. Not sure if it's the apple juices that he had, or the excitement of going out, his energy level kept up high until he finally lay on his bed. So, we headed over to the Higgins Residence and had a lovely dinner of ribs and sushi. Interesting combination, right? That's how diverse we are here! Auntie Alex and Uncle Jasen got their Halloween decorations up and got ready for the kids after dinner. When there was still light out, I took Aidan trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. He was having fun and doing just great (even winning a game to get a prize), until he came to a house with some scarier decorations, a flying ghost and scary music. Being the scaredy cat that he is, he immediately said he wanted to go home. So, we went back and on our way stopped by several other houses.
When we got back, he assisted Uncle Jasen in giving out candies to the trick-or-treaters. He was being such a good helper and was so proud of himself. I think he enjoyed giving out candies more than collecting candies himself. I persuaded him to leave and go home to give out candies instead. Unfortunately, only one family stopped by (Daddy actually encouraged them to come by). I think by then, Aidan was a little too tired to be disappointed in the lack of trick-or-treaters. Maybe next year we should just stay home and give out candies. Now, I have a whole bucket of lollipops in my house.
Halloween is over. The next holiday up is Thanksgiving. We're not quite sure what we'll be doing that weekend, esp. since daddy is on-call that whole week. One thing for sure, we will probably going to have dinner at Uncle Paul and Auntie Rachel's house. I think this is slowly becoming our annual tradition.
Love you,
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