We planned to take Dan dan to Tanforan Mall to go TOT because he's so cold outside. Thinking the mall would be a safe and warmer alternative. Unfortunately, mommy had a late meeting at work and by the time I picked him up at daycare and get to the mall, it's almost 6 p.m. All the stores were out of candies and we only got THREE candies out of all whole mall (even though this is not a big mall). Mang.. that's horrible! Thank goodness, Dan Dan didn't know any better and he wasn't very into it anyways. When we got home after dinner, it was already 7:30 p.m. and it's getting cold. Daddy would definitely not let me take Dan Dan out and I was too tired anyways. So we stayed home and gave out candies for 30 mins before Dan Dan's shower and bedtime routine.
Luckily, because of the mid-day doctor's appointment, I had Dan Dan with me most of the day until I dropped him off at day care at around 2:30 p.m. There's a Halloween party at work and I brought him with me and showed up his little pirate outfit. Of course everyone said he's a cutie pie, and my staff got to meet him for the first time. Since I work at a different office now, my other co-workers haven't seen Dan Dan in a long time. It's nice for them to see and play with him again, even though we didn't stay for long. Instead of partying, Dan Dan was mostly interested in playing with all the cabinets, doors and drawers. At least Dan Dan wore his pirate costume all day!