According to the doctors, he seemed ready, with a few conditions: a feeding tube and oxygen tank. We have previously expressed our concern and reservations with Logan coming home with the cannula and oxygen tank. However, during today's rounds, the doctors think that Logan might be ready to go home, because at this point, what the hospital can do for us, we could do that at home with some extra equipment. They think that it's best for Logan to stay home with his parents, than to stay in the hospital. I understand it's better to be away from the hospital where it's easy to catch viruses and infections, but I couldn't help to think they just want to kick us out and give the spot to another baby.
Logan gained 5g today, but he's still not quite back up at his birth weight. He's already 3 weeks old, and for a term baby, he should have gained a pound already. Feeding is still an issue and without proper nutrition and gaining weight, he couldn't get stronger and build stronger muscles to help with the breathing. He eats between 45 ml to 85 ml of milk each day. However, he should be eating 60-90 ml consistently. Therefore, the doctors think that Logan should have a feeding tube put through his nose directly to his stomach to assist with feeding. We will continue to feed him, but whatever left and he doesn't take, it would be fed directly to his stomach through the feeding tube. I wasn't very excited about this because I secretly believe he could gain weight if given a few more days, as he's been on and off IV for a few times since birth. However, I also understand the importance of him gaining weight, esp. when he's also taking fortified milk with extra calories, yet weight gain is still a problem. If Logan were to go home, he would continue to need this feeding tube. Another option is to have this surgery called gastrotomy. We prefer avoiding any surgery if possible. The doctor said the surgery only takes about an hour and if he doesn't need the tube anymore, the incision will heal in a week. It's easier to do night time feeding with the surgery as you can set the machine to feed Logan (like setting a timer) and I wouldn't have to wake up. However, a surgery is a surgery. Who would want their baby to have a surgery this young if you can avoid it.
Aside from the feeding tube or gastrotomy, Logan would need the extra oxygen if he were to come home. He continues to need help with it and might need it for a few months. I guess there will be an oxygen tank at home for him with monitors, and a portable one for him to go out. I have no idea how big and how these things will work, but there will be specialists teaching us what to do.
We still don't know when Logan would be home. But from today's conversation, the doctors want us to take a few days to think about whether to keep the feeding tube or have the surgery. So I guess maybe Logan would be home next week. He will definitely be home for Christmas, though it's not how we have pictured his homecoming. There are so many other logistics to take care of and also how Aidan would react to a new baby who needs constant special attention from us, and all the machines that come with the baby.
(The picture is of Logan with his cannula for breathing, and a feeding tube through one of his nostrils.)

With Aidan, we continued to decorate our Christmas tree. He is still very excited to see all the lights. Overall, he was being a very good helper and helping me in putting out the ornaments on the tree. Of course, we have to break a couple ornaments when Aidan didn't hang them up correctly and they fell on the floor. Most of the time, I only let him handle the shatter-free ornaments.
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