It's surprising how well Aidan adapted to our newest addition to the family. We haven't seen any signs of jealousy yet and he seems to really enjoy being around Logan. He would like to hang out in his old bedroom aka Logan's room with all of us, petting Logan and singing to him when asked to. Speaking of singing, when I was trying to get Logan to sleep the other day, I told Aidan to sing Logan a song. He sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and said the Chinese words ("gau gau ju" aka. "sleep sleep pig" if you know what I mean) that grandma said to him when trying to get him to sleep. Today when we're trying to get Logan to sleep, Aidan sang a song and said those words again without prompting. So cute! I wish they will continue such great relationship through the rest of their lives.
Logan went for his first well-baby dr. visit last Thursday. We updated the pediatrician on what's going on with him, and of course the pediatrician read Logan's file as well. The ped noticed Logan has a very arch-y upper palate in his mouth and wondered if that's why he's not eating well because the nipple that he uses doesn't fit him right. He said he might refer him to see a specialist to determine if it's a cleft palate, and would also refer him to see a nutritionist as well if that's the case. He gave us two bottles that are used for babies with cleft palates to try out. He also mentioned referring Logan to Golden Gate Regional Center! I know oh so well about that agency and kinda freaked out a little. Nothing against GGRC but because I know their services , I hate to feel that my son needs their services. The ped said this is just in case Logan needs any speech therapy or occupational therapy in the future and it's one of the things on his list that he would like to mention. The referral doesn't need to be made now.
I went online to look up some info on cleft palates. It's treatable with surgery but I wish that's not the case. Who wants to put their baby through surgery if avoidable? We've tried to use those new bottles but they are too slow for Logan. I read that most parents need to made the nipple hole a little bigger. We have yet to do that as we don't know what's the best and most sanitary way to do so. The opening is a "X" so we couldn't just poke the hole bigger. Might need to get a special knife to do that.
Feeding is still a challenge as Logan can't take the whole bottle without using the tube. Throughout the day, there might be 2 feedings where he could take all 80ml in by himself in 30 mins. I wish this would change soon.
1 comment:
Such a relief to see Logan & Aidan doing so well!! Seems like everything is finally going bright for you, Virginia.
Hope you have a good break & enjoy your first xmas with Logan. Keep us all updated with Logan's little steps in progress!!
Cheers, Evelyn
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