We started our Easter Sunday bright and early. We drove down to Cupertino for the 9:30 a.m. Easter Sunday mass at St. Joseph. Aidan was mostly well-behaved. He was fascinated with the numbers showing the hymns, as they changed periodically, instead of the old style where they posted all the hymns out for the whole mass. He would say "The number is off", or "The number is back on". He was able to tell me what the numbers were, so that we could turn our pages together to look for the hymn. He wanted to be held whenever we stood up, probably because he couldn't see much. He was the quietest I've seen him at a Church, much better behaved than Christmas. I guess my little boy is growing up, and observing and understanding when everyone had to be quiet.
We then head over to the hospital to visit Logan. We brought a basket of goodies for the doctors and nurses, and a little bucket for Logan. I also brought Logan a pair of new Elmo socks. Aidan was kept occupied most of the time with the laptop, so that he wouldn't run in and out, and cause trouble. Logan's face didn't look too much more swollen than yesterday. However, when I changed his socks, I noticed his feet were pretty swollen. He used to have cute little feet, but now the toes were getting smaller, while his soles were getting thicker.
Uncle Kyle & Auntie Leonor came to visit and brought us a lovely fruit basket. Uncle John (Hank's brother) & Auntie Katie also came to visit our little boy. The nurse was nice enough to let Hank and I hold Logan for a good 15-30 mins EACH. When I first held him, Logan opened one eye to see what was going on. When Hank was holding him, he was more awake, and opened his eyes for a very long time (closed periodically). He was wide awake right before we left. It was a very bittersweet moment to see him awake, and he seemed to recognize/sense us. I haven't seen his eyes in a few days. And on Easter Sunday, he recognized us, knew he had visitors, and appeared to be happy that we're there. But it also saddened me that we will soon not be able to experience this anymore. Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts! I plan to keep this Easter weekend posts happy. So, let's not talk about the sad things. We were able to take a good family picture while holding Logan. We were very happy about that.

Logan and his new Elmo socks.

Logan started to open his eyes more and was more awake while Daddy was holding him.

The lovely fruit basket from Uncle Kyle and Auntie Leonor. It was a HUGE hit with Aidan. I just realized I forgot to take a picture of you guys!

Uncle John and Auntie Katie

Logan's all wrapped up after his huge explosive diaper! Must be too comfy in daddy and mommy's arms.
Berry Apple Crisp and Classic Green Bean Casserole & Rustic Rolls
Pork Medallions and Cherry Sauce
You really had a very happy Easter with the family getting together. We went to the Church on time but the chuck was already packed, we could only find two stanging space just next to the children Chorus. It gave us to closely watch their performance.
Hank, Virginia, Aiden and Logan, you all have a Hppy Easter. I am very happy that you have a positive attitude today
You probably don't know me, but I am one of SRL gal, sorry to hear your story, but just be strong....my family had actually experienced what you are going through, kinda, cuz the sick one was me, I was very sick near 5 yrs ago....was in ICU for more than a month, was put into coma, I knew nuttin, but my poor family had to go through all the pain, they were told that I wasn't gonna survive and the doctors wanna turn off the machines and just let me go....
Lucky my mum had insisted that the machines wouldn't be turned off....and here I am still living happily....
I personally had the experience of having trachie, its horrible, so uncomfortable, when ppl suction me, its like taking my breath away....and actually I am a nurse working in ICU myself, so I've the experience from both end....I see lotta sad cases, and I always ask myself if I want to live or have quality of life if I had uncurable disease, I will definitely choose the later....but keep the hope up and stop praying to God....
All the best and take care of yourself first....
I meant dun stop praying to God
That is a beautiful family photo. I'm glad we could help with your family's Easter dinner. There's more where that came from!
Love Judy
Hi Virginia (and Hank if you're lurking)......Lots and lots of hugs for you all. Please let me know if there is anything at all that I can do to help. I'm just one phone call away. Glad that the meal was enjoyable...and yes I'm sure there's more coming :)
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