I left the hospital early today so that I could head over to Aidan's preschool for his little party. Well, apparently most of the parents have to work, and I was the only one that showed up and brought Hank's raisin cookies for the class. A parent brought in juice for all kids earlier in the morning, and one brought in Matzo (gotta celebrate Passover, too). I was actually sad to see that only 3 parents signed up to bring something to school. Maybe Easter isn't such a big deal to many families. Or, maybe there are just too many events like this throughout the school year that parents get sick of doing it. To me, it's more like it's Aidan's first school event that I attended. I will try to attend as many as possible. Enjoy the pictures!

Aidan at story time. He was actually able to sit still, but couldn't resist playing with another kid.

Aidan put on his bunny hat, holding his paper bag, and ready for the Egg Hunt!

"Oooo... I found a green egg!!"

Enjoying cookies made by daddy and the grape juice brought in by another parent. He wasn't a big fan of the Matzo.

Aidan always likes to swing like a monkey outside, before heading into the car.
I'm glad I showed up at Aidan's school. I think he really likes seeing me there. I'm glad to show him that despite all that is happening, Mommy will always be there for him as well.
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