Dear Logan,
It's been really difficult in putting your brother to sleep. When he was young, he was such a good sleepy baby. I would lay him down in his crib, and he would go to sleep by himself. Even when we converted his crib into a toddler bed, he had no problem falling asleep and wouldn't climb out. But when he turned 2.5, and when I was pregnant with you, he suddenly wouldn't sleep on his own. I am not sure if he finally discovered that he could get out of his bed, or he had too much fun that he didn't want to sleep, or he knew something is going to change because of your arrival. Up until now, getting him to sleep has been difficult.
Because of all of your equipment back then, we had to move your brother's bed to our room. Thus, he ended up sleeping in our room and our bed ever since you came home from the hospital in December. He would not go to sleep on his own anymore. I had to sleep with him, wait till he's asleep and then get out, or most of the time, I just fell asleep with him. If I moved him back to his bed, he would climb back into ours in the middle of the night.
Naps have been especially difficult lately. He didn't nap yesterday and he didn't nap today. I tried for 1.5 hrs yesterday to get him to nap, and I had to give up. Today, I tried for 2.5 hours and he just wouldn't sleep. I have sweet-talked, threatened, even hit him, to try to get him to sleep, but he just played around and moved around in bed. I think the bed is too big for him, as it gives him a lot of room to twist and turn. I tried putting him to time out so that he would cry and get tired. Didn't work, wasn't tired enough to fall asleep. I got so frustrated with him at one point, I started crying. Your brother saw me, and immediately I saw his guilty look. He knew I was upset because of him. I apologized to him for hitting him, but I also explained to him why I was upset. He hugged and kissed me, laid down in his bed and was quiet for a while. But that didn't last long, he became his usual active self again. Because he didn't sleep, I punished him by not letting Auntie Angela and Grandauntie take him out to play. He probably didn't know what he has missed out. I think it's more of a punishment to Auntie Angela, coz she really wanted to take him out and could only do that on the weekends when she doesn't have to go to school.
Mommy and big brother also went out to dinner tonight. We met up with some of Mommy's friends. Except one Uncle, most uncles and aunties brought their little ones out as well. We had a 2-month old baby girl, an 18-month old toddler, a 2.5 year old girl, and your big brother. So, Aidan was the oldest of all. It was nice to see the kids interacted at the end of the dinner when we're hanging out outside of the restaurant. They were all just running around, while the parents cautiously making sure none of them run out to the street or do something dangerous. Of course, your big brother was running and jumping around, and was the only one that fell down a few times and scraped his knees. Because we saw the kids had such a wonderful time, we decided to have a playdate this coming Sunday.
One of my friends mentioned that he thought I was pregnant not too long ago, but seeing Aidan, it was quite some time. Apparently, some of them didn't know about you. I didn't quite know how to approach that subject. I casually said I was actually pregnant not too long ago, but I stopped at that. Not that I mind talking about you, I just don't know how and where to begin. I didn't want you to be a taboo subject. I want you to be remembered, and to have people know of your existence. Your existence should not be ignored and forgotten, because it was such a difficult experience. I guess I should be more prepared next time. For some reason, I thought everyone knew about you. You know how news can spread like wildfire sometimes, esp. news like this.
Don't worry, Mommy is fine. I think when I cried today because of your big brother, it was a combination of frustration and stress that were built up. I guess I need my friends to know that I AM doing fine, and it's ok to talk about you, or even to ask to see your pictures. I have your pictures with me all the time.
Mommy will always love you, even though sometimes memories bring back tears. Your big brother remembers you as well, because he sees your picture everyday. Everytime he hears a baby cries, he mentions "Baby Logan".
Love you,
These posts are letters written to Logan, telling him how much we miss and love him, and what's going on in our lives. Logan was diagnosed with Leigh's Disease, an incurable Mitochondrial Disease. He left us on April 15, 2009, one day shy of turning 5 months old. We love and miss him so much.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Food Food and more Good Food!
Dear Logan,
It's really hard to lose weight in Macau when there's so much good food. I bet you and Daddy are so jealous of me, after you know and see what I had for lunch and dinner today. It's all at home, home-cooked meal by our great relatives. It's a lot of work, but it was a nice family gathering. First, let me show you what we had for lunch. All of us, 5 different families, decided to put money together to buy a whole fresh salmon and have some salmon sashimi. Ah Gung thought about doing that before but it was way too expensive, and too much food for one family to consume. So, while everyone came down to visit Ah Po, we got them all to share the cost and food (esp. when we got some good cooks in the family), to have a big family gathering. Mind you, it was a lot of work (well, I actually didn't do much), but they agreed it was fun to do once in a while.

First off, we have the famous salmon. Granduncle #5 and Grandaunt #4 were de-boning and slicing the salmon. We ended having 6 plates of salmon like that. I think we ate 4 plates for lunch, and 2 plates for dinner.

A Chinese meal is not completed without a chicken. We barely ate the chicken, and most of it was saved for dinner. We actually didn't eat much chicken for dinner either, because there's more delicious food coming up!
One more eel dish. This is eel cooked with rice. I think they cooked it for Ah Po, but unfortunately, she was unable to eat it. She said one of the patients said it's too early to eat eel because it has no scales and it's "poisonous" (not literally, but translated from Chinese to mean it's unhealthy).
Our last dish for lunch, Lobster! Yum Yum Yum!

First off, we have the famous salmon. Granduncle #5 and Grandaunt #4 were de-boning and slicing the salmon. We ended having 6 plates of salmon like that. I think we ate 4 plates for lunch, and 2 plates for dinner.

Then we have eels cooked in two different ways. One is stir fried with bitter melon. The other is iced cooked eel. I tried both, not really a big fan of it. The meat is not as tender as unagi. It's an interesting experience.

Your big brother didn't really eat any of these, except maybe a few pieces of chicken. There's actually some spaghetti and I know he would much prefer eating that than seafood. Besides, I think he's a little too young for such exciting food.
As for dinner, we continued to finish the rest of the salmon sashimi and the chicken. But there's more good food to come!
Can you guess what are those dishes? The one in the middle is the left overs from the salmon sashimi. Granduncle #5 had to go back to Guangzhou with your Auntie, so they took the fish head. The leftover was cooked and I heard it was pretty delicious. I didn't try, as I went for the sashimi instead.

We have the chicken from earlier, vegetables, and some chicken wings. We also had some bittermelon with pork. Plus, the beers that you see in the picture for the guys.

And we got two big plates of lamb chops. They're a little over-cooked for my taste, probably because it's Chinese style, but they're still very delicious.

Next up, we have these little fishies. I am not sure the English term for it, but in direct Chinese translation, they are called "Many eggs Fish". Yummy and no need to worry about bones.

Last but not the least, oysters! We got two big plates of these babies. Nice and tender, not salty enough (but probably good for my blood pressure). I heard the soup was very tasty as well, just super high in cholesterol.
After these two meals, I think I need to be on a vegetarian diet or run around the playground with your big brother for an hour to burn all that calories. We don't usually have such big meals, but it's a special occasion. This usually only happens when I come back for a visit and go to Guangzhou, then your great grandma and other relatives will cook a lot for us. Doing this in Macau is rare.
Don't worry, Ah Po is doing well and we're also able to deliver some salmon sashimi for her. She didn't like the hospital food and Ah Gung has been bringing food and soup (cooked by Grandaunt #7) to her everyday. I saw Ah Po today, she looked a lot better. Not as tired or pale anymore. I think she can probably be discharged on Monday or Tuesday.

Lastly, a picture of your Great Grandma with Mommy and all of your Aunties and Uncles.
It's been a busy trip so far. I wish you and Daddy could join us.
Time for me to get some sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Love you,
As for dinner, we continued to finish the rest of the salmon sashimi and the chicken. But there's more good food to come!

We have the chicken from earlier, vegetables, and some chicken wings. We also had some bittermelon with pork. Plus, the beers that you see in the picture for the guys.

And we got two big plates of lamb chops. They're a little over-cooked for my taste, probably because it's Chinese style, but they're still very delicious.

Next up, we have these little fishies. I am not sure the English term for it, but in direct Chinese translation, they are called "Many eggs Fish". Yummy and no need to worry about bones.

Last but not the least, oysters! We got two big plates of these babies. Nice and tender, not salty enough (but probably good for my blood pressure). I heard the soup was very tasty as well, just super high in cholesterol.
After these two meals, I think I need to be on a vegetarian diet or run around the playground with your big brother for an hour to burn all that calories. We don't usually have such big meals, but it's a special occasion. This usually only happens when I come back for a visit and go to Guangzhou, then your great grandma and other relatives will cook a lot for us. Doing this in Macau is rare.
Don't worry, Ah Po is doing well and we're also able to deliver some salmon sashimi for her. She didn't like the hospital food and Ah Gung has been bringing food and soup (cooked by Grandaunt #7) to her everyday. I saw Ah Po today, she looked a lot better. Not as tired or pale anymore. I think she can probably be discharged on Monday or Tuesday.

Lastly, a picture of your Great Grandma with Mommy and all of your Aunties and Uncles.
It's been a busy trip so far. I wish you and Daddy could join us.
Time for me to get some sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Love you,
Friday, May 29, 2009
All is well
Dear Baby,
Mommy and big brother are recovering well from our cold. The good news is, even Ah Po is recovering well from her surgery. She's been moved back into her original room from the observation room. Now she only needs to share the room with another potential patient, instead of two, and there's a tv inside the room for her to watch her tv series finale tonight. I haven't gone up to the hospital yesterday or today because I need to make sure your big brother naps. He just won't sleep without me around. On the other hand, great grandma said that great grandpa is doing well in Guangzhou as well. He's more willing and able to take baby steps to walk and feed himself. They were having a very difficult time before in getting him to do anything. I'm glad to hear that things are getting better, both for him and everyone who takes care of him.
Your big brother sleep schedule is completely changed. He doesn't sleep until midnight or 1 a.m. every night, wakes up at around 9-9:30 a.m. He used to sleep from 9ish p.m. to 6 ish a.m. Still about 9 hours a night, plus 2 hours nap (within the recommended amount). He's having too much fun, meeting too many people, thus making him very hard to fall asleep at night. Besides, when we're home, we had dinner quite early, at around 6:30-7 p.m., but here, we don't have dinner until 8:30 p.m. or so. Thus the whole sleep routine is pushed back a few hours. But I am not too worried about his schedule when he gets back to the States. I am sure he won't be able to sleep well on the plane, and will be able to sleep well when he gets home.

Now that I spend more time with your brother, I noticed he really does have a huge obsession with cell phones, cameras, elevator buttons, escalators, and any type of doors. I am getting a little more concerned as I spend more time with him. He has a rough transition from one to another, especially if he spots an escalator or elevator. Usually, I'm able to 'reason' with him, but I wonder if this is really normal.
On the other hand, he is so smart in other areas. He's able to pick up any cell phone and get to the ringtone section. He picks up Ah Gung's cell phone, plays the music that he likes, and learns the song. He was singing "It's a big big world" just now, and also "We are the Champion". Actually, he sang himself to sleep just now. His skills in playing with different cameras and taking pictures have improved as well. And, he has a great memory. You show him once, and he'll be able to copy you.

Mommy brought your brother to meet up with some old high school friends for dinner earlier tonight. It was nice to see some old friends. Most of us are married, and also have kids. Definitely different than back in the days when I came back and we'll go drinking and karaoke. These days, mainly just dinner and maybe dessert later. I didn't take too many pictures, gotta ask Uncle Jimmy and Auntie Oli for the ones that they took.

I think my friends are still very weary in talking about you. It's possibly because they don't know how to approach the subject, or they don't want me to get too sad. I see your pictures everyday though, even your big brother, because I have your picture as the wallpaper of my Ipod Touch. Everytime we play with it, your face will be there. Still cute as a button. We will never forget you. Your big brother doesn't understand what's going on, but I know he will always remember you. Unfortunately, his memory of you seems to be those when you're at the hospital, and not when you're home. When he's older, I'll tell him all about you. You will forever be in our hearts.
Sleepy time for me. I'll tell you more about what we do tomorrow, ok?
Love you,
Mommy and big brother are recovering well from our cold. The good news is, even Ah Po is recovering well from her surgery. She's been moved back into her original room from the observation room. Now she only needs to share the room with another potential patient, instead of two, and there's a tv inside the room for her to watch her tv series finale tonight. I haven't gone up to the hospital yesterday or today because I need to make sure your big brother naps. He just won't sleep without me around. On the other hand, great grandma said that great grandpa is doing well in Guangzhou as well. He's more willing and able to take baby steps to walk and feed himself. They were having a very difficult time before in getting him to do anything. I'm glad to hear that things are getting better, both for him and everyone who takes care of him.
Your big brother sleep schedule is completely changed. He doesn't sleep until midnight or 1 a.m. every night, wakes up at around 9-9:30 a.m. He used to sleep from 9ish p.m. to 6 ish a.m. Still about 9 hours a night, plus 2 hours nap (within the recommended amount). He's having too much fun, meeting too many people, thus making him very hard to fall asleep at night. Besides, when we're home, we had dinner quite early, at around 6:30-7 p.m., but here, we don't have dinner until 8:30 p.m. or so. Thus the whole sleep routine is pushed back a few hours. But I am not too worried about his schedule when he gets back to the States. I am sure he won't be able to sleep well on the plane, and will be able to sleep well when he gets home.

Now that I spend more time with your brother, I noticed he really does have a huge obsession with cell phones, cameras, elevator buttons, escalators, and any type of doors. I am getting a little more concerned as I spend more time with him. He has a rough transition from one to another, especially if he spots an escalator or elevator. Usually, I'm able to 'reason' with him, but I wonder if this is really normal.
On the other hand, he is so smart in other areas. He's able to pick up any cell phone and get to the ringtone section. He picks up Ah Gung's cell phone, plays the music that he likes, and learns the song. He was singing "It's a big big world" just now, and also "We are the Champion". Actually, he sang himself to sleep just now. His skills in playing with different cameras and taking pictures have improved as well. And, he has a great memory. You show him once, and he'll be able to copy you.

Mommy brought your brother to meet up with some old high school friends for dinner earlier tonight. It was nice to see some old friends. Most of us are married, and also have kids. Definitely different than back in the days when I came back and we'll go drinking and karaoke. These days, mainly just dinner and maybe dessert later. I didn't take too many pictures, gotta ask Uncle Jimmy and Auntie Oli for the ones that they took.

I think my friends are still very weary in talking about you. It's possibly because they don't know how to approach the subject, or they don't want me to get too sad. I see your pictures everyday though, even your big brother, because I have your picture as the wallpaper of my Ipod Touch. Everytime we play with it, your face will be there. Still cute as a button. We will never forget you. Your big brother doesn't understand what's going on, but I know he will always remember you. Unfortunately, his memory of you seems to be those when you're at the hospital, and not when you're home. When he's older, I'll tell him all about you. You will forever be in our hearts.
Sleepy time for me. I'll tell you more about what we do tomorrow, ok?
Love you,
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Dragon Boat Festival!
Hi Honey,
Today is Dragon Boat Festival. Mommy hasn't seen any dragon boat races in a very long time. I started out my day with some jung (sticky rice dumpling), both sweet and salty. Your brother got to go to Mc Donald's with Auntie Mena, Auntie Hey Hey and Grandaunt. They wanted to introduce him to the evilness of Mc D.
We then headed to check out some dragon boat races. It was actually a very windy and cool day, best weather for races. We stayed for a little while, not too long, as it gets boring after a while and your brother won't have the patience to sit through the races. Besides, I made the mistake of dressing him too lightly and he was a little cold. We then had dim sum with Great Grandma, aunties and uncles and others who came from Guangzhou to see Ah Po.
Ah Po is doing well. She's still in the observation room, and not yet transferred back to her room yet. She's in pain, which is reasonable considered she just had surgery. She's able to eat some solids now. She was complaining about how hungry she was because she was on a liquid diet for the last day or two.
I think Mommy got your brother sick. He got a cold. Now I have to monitor and see if he has developed a fever. He's currently taking a nap and I gave him some medication before he slept. I hope it's nothing serious but just a common cold. We've been back for 2 weeks now, and let's hope it's not H1N1! It's probably just a cold that we don't have the immune system for.
Mommy, on the other hand, got two more shots today for my blood pressure. The numbers were down a little, from 160/100 to 140/92-95. Still on the pretty high range. I need to watch my diet (gotta cut back on the soy sauce when having sushi and sashimi), and then go back to the doctor in a few days for another blood pressure check.
Will keep you updated on how your brother is feeling tomorrow. Don't forget to watch over him, ok?
Miss you,
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
High Blood Pressure
Hello Sweetheart,
Guess what, Mommy is sick. Yes, again. I don't know why I am always sick. We have so many people who went to Hong Kong together, and I am the only one that ended up sick. It seems like I get a cold all the time this year. What's up with that?? But don't you worry, it's just a minor cold. I don't have a fever, or diarrhea, or nausea. No signs of the infamous H1N1. However, Mommy's blood pressure is really high. When sitting down, the lower number is still at 100. It was this high when I was pregnant with you, and also after your birth. But six months after your birth, my blood pressure should have gotten down a little, but it didn't. So, I spent MOP$1690 today on cold and blood pressure medicine, plus two shots in the butt. Mommy hasn't had shots in the butt since I was a little girl! Though they weren't painful (2 more tomorrow), it's definitely an ouchie for my wallet. But what can I do, my feet were so swollen, and like I mentioned yesterday, it's my blood pressure. One of the shots is for mending my blood vessels and one is for lowering it. I got the English names of the medicine and shots, so that when I go back to the States, I could follow up with my doctor.
On the other hand, Ah Po's operation is suscessful. At this time of writing, she is still sleeping and hasn't woken up yet. We're waiting for her to wake up and we'll go visit her later. I saw her yesterday, and she's still very concerned about not waking up. She even mentioned about this letter that she has written, in case something happened. Mommy and your Auntie Mena immediately stopped her, as there's no way she won't wake up.
Oh wait, Ah Gung told me Ah Po is awake! Just a little groggy and in pain, but she'll be fine! See, I told you, no need to worry.
On the other hand, my laptop charger is broken. But I was able to buy another one in Macau. Luckily there's an authorized dealer close to where we live and we're able to get one. If not, what am I going to do without my laptop for the next 4 weeks? Your brother needs to watch his videos!
So much for now. Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival. So tonight we're heading to your Granduncle and aunt's place for dinner. And then tomorrow, your great grandma will be in town with other granduncles and aunts, and we'll go out for a big dinner.
You take care of yourself, and don't forget to watch over all of us, esp. Ah Po.
Bye honey!
Love you,
Guess what, Mommy is sick. Yes, again. I don't know why I am always sick. We have so many people who went to Hong Kong together, and I am the only one that ended up sick. It seems like I get a cold all the time this year. What's up with that?? But don't you worry, it's just a minor cold. I don't have a fever, or diarrhea, or nausea. No signs of the infamous H1N1. However, Mommy's blood pressure is really high. When sitting down, the lower number is still at 100. It was this high when I was pregnant with you, and also after your birth. But six months after your birth, my blood pressure should have gotten down a little, but it didn't. So, I spent MOP$1690 today on cold and blood pressure medicine, plus two shots in the butt. Mommy hasn't had shots in the butt since I was a little girl! Though they weren't painful (2 more tomorrow), it's definitely an ouchie for my wallet. But what can I do, my feet were so swollen, and like I mentioned yesterday, it's my blood pressure. One of the shots is for mending my blood vessels and one is for lowering it. I got the English names of the medicine and shots, so that when I go back to the States, I could follow up with my doctor.
On the other hand, Ah Po's operation is suscessful. At this time of writing, she is still sleeping and hasn't woken up yet. We're waiting for her to wake up and we'll go visit her later. I saw her yesterday, and she's still very concerned about not waking up. She even mentioned about this letter that she has written, in case something happened. Mommy and your Auntie Mena immediately stopped her, as there's no way she won't wake up.
Oh wait, Ah Gung told me Ah Po is awake! Just a little groggy and in pain, but she'll be fine! See, I told you, no need to worry.
On the other hand, my laptop charger is broken. But I was able to buy another one in Macau. Luckily there's an authorized dealer close to where we live and we're able to get one. If not, what am I going to do without my laptop for the next 4 weeks? Your brother needs to watch his videos!
So much for now. Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival. So tonight we're heading to your Granduncle and aunt's place for dinner. And then tomorrow, your great grandma will be in town with other granduncles and aunts, and we'll go out for a big dinner.
You take care of yourself, and don't forget to watch over all of us, esp. Ah Po.
Bye honey!
Love you,
Monday, May 25, 2009
Pictures of first two days of Hong Kong Trip
Dear Baby Logan,
Mommy got a runny nose today. Not sure if it's because of allergies, or a cold. I have a feeling it's allergies. My feet are also swollen, too. Not red or painful, just swollen like a pig's feet. I tried to keep them elevated as much as possible, but didn't seem to work. I think it's from walking too much the last few days. If not, then it might be my blood pressure, or I have too much salt and am retaining water.
Today, the rain finally stops. Your brother was home all day yesterday and was going a little crazy. We're about to have lunch soon, then we'll head out to walk around or do some shopping. Gotta take him out of the house, if not he'll get too bored.
I am still organizing and uploading pictures. For the time being, enjoy the pictures that I took during our first two days of our Hong Kong Trip. We went to the Peak, Madame Tussauds Museum and Ocean Park. More rainy Disneyland pictures to come!
Bye Honey,
Mommy got a runny nose today. Not sure if it's because of allergies, or a cold. I have a feeling it's allergies. My feet are also swollen, too. Not red or painful, just swollen like a pig's feet. I tried to keep them elevated as much as possible, but didn't seem to work. I think it's from walking too much the last few days. If not, then it might be my blood pressure, or I have too much salt and am retaining water.
Today, the rain finally stops. Your brother was home all day yesterday and was going a little crazy. We're about to have lunch soon, then we'll head out to walk around or do some shopping. Gotta take him out of the house, if not he'll get too bored.
I am still organizing and uploading pictures. For the time being, enjoy the pictures that I took during our first two days of our Hong Kong Trip. We went to the Peak, Madame Tussauds Museum and Ocean Park. More rainy Disneyland pictures to come!
Bye Honey,
Back from rainy Hong Kong, to rainy Macau
Hi Logan,
How are you? Mommy is back from Hong Kong and now I can have internet access again. Hong Kong was fun, but it was raining the last two days we're there, esp. when we're at Disneyland. What a drag! That didn't stop us from going, since we paid so much for the tickets and the hotel. We tried to make the best of it, braving the rain with rain gear and wet clothes and shoes. At least there weren't a lot of people and we didn't have to wait in line for rides, right? We had much better luck when Uncle Carlos, your brother and I went to Ocean Park. It was cloudy with a nice sea breeze. Still a pretty warm day, but it could be sooo much worse.
We have taken over 2000 pictures with all of our cameras. I still need a lot of time to sort through them. When I'm done, I'll show you some highlights of our trip, ok?
I wish you and Daddy could come along with us. I saw all these cute baby clothes at Disneyland and at the outlet mall, and immediately thought of you. You would look so cute in that baby blue Mickey Mouse onesie.
Ah Po checked into the hospital this morning to prepare for her sugery in two days. Today and tomorrow, she is going to rest up for the big day. She is very worried about the anasthesia that will be done. I guess because of your passing, and also her best friend's recently, she was concerned that she might not wake up. So, you need to watch over Ah Po, ok? Her surgery is not a super big, serious one, but all surgeries have risks, as we know. I am sure she'll be fine.
Mommy gotta go now. You take care of yourself and Daddy.
Miss you lots,
How are you? Mommy is back from Hong Kong and now I can have internet access again. Hong Kong was fun, but it was raining the last two days we're there, esp. when we're at Disneyland. What a drag! That didn't stop us from going, since we paid so much for the tickets and the hotel. We tried to make the best of it, braving the rain with rain gear and wet clothes and shoes. At least there weren't a lot of people and we didn't have to wait in line for rides, right? We had much better luck when Uncle Carlos, your brother and I went to Ocean Park. It was cloudy with a nice sea breeze. Still a pretty warm day, but it could be sooo much worse.
We have taken over 2000 pictures with all of our cameras. I still need a lot of time to sort through them. When I'm done, I'll show you some highlights of our trip, ok?
I wish you and Daddy could come along with us. I saw all these cute baby clothes at Disneyland and at the outlet mall, and immediately thought of you. You would look so cute in that baby blue Mickey Mouse onesie.
Ah Po checked into the hospital this morning to prepare for her sugery in two days. Today and tomorrow, she is going to rest up for the big day. She is very worried about the anasthesia that will be done. I guess because of your passing, and also her best friend's recently, she was concerned that she might not wake up. So, you need to watch over Ah Po, ok? Her surgery is not a super big, serious one, but all surgeries have risks, as we know. I am sure she'll be fine.
Mommy gotta go now. You take care of yourself and Daddy.
Miss you lots,
hong kong,
ocean park,
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
My son works hard each day!
Dear Logan,
How's it going, honey? Daddy told me that your new home is so hot that all the potted plants are wilting. I think we're going to either get you new ones, or we'll just get your bouquets of flowers instead. With just the flowers, we don't have to worry about them being thrown away when Daddy doesn't go up there every Wednesday, and we can get you new ones each week. It's difficult for Daddy or Mommy to come up every Wednesday, esp. when daylight savings is over and their closing hours become earlier. What do you think?
We're going to Hong Kong tomorrow and it's pouring outside. I think a storm is coming and it's not gonna be good for our trip. You think you can put in a good word for us and see if The Lord can work his magic and give me some cloudy weather for the rest of the week? Wow, I just heard thunder! Please, pretty, please!
Look at the following pictures? Your brother has taken up a new interest, cleaning! He saw Ah Gung mopping yesterday and wanted to do it. He kept on saying he wanted to help and that he's like Auntie cleaning. He's working up a sweat! He was having so much fun with the broom and the mop. He actually did a good job. He moved his new potty (the blue one on the floor) to mop the area behind it. Too bad he still resists using the potty.
We took your brother to the playground this morning after dim sum. He actually came to this playground last time. But back then, we had to be with him the whole time as he couldn't quite master going up and down the stairs like a pro, yet. This time area, he can run around the play area all by himself. His attention span was really short with each exercise apparatus. He played for 10 seconds, and then moved on to another one. At least it kept him entertained for a while, and he didn't run off.
Unfortunately, after all that exercise, he still didn't take a nap this afternoon. I tried for over an hour, yet he was still twisting and turning, and just wasn't tired. We're going out for some Japanese food tonight, just Ah Gung, Ah Po, Mommy and big brother. Your Uncle and Auntie have school and work. Let's hope your brother won't fall asleep while eating, and won't act crazy because of the lack of the afternoon nap.
Mommy won't be able to talk to you for the rest of the week since I'll be in Hong Kong. I'll tell you all about it when I come back, and show you lots of pictures, ok? In the meantime, please pray that we will have decent weather. Thanks, honey!
Miss you,
How's it going, honey? Daddy told me that your new home is so hot that all the potted plants are wilting. I think we're going to either get you new ones, or we'll just get your bouquets of flowers instead. With just the flowers, we don't have to worry about them being thrown away when Daddy doesn't go up there every Wednesday, and we can get you new ones each week. It's difficult for Daddy or Mommy to come up every Wednesday, esp. when daylight savings is over and their closing hours become earlier. What do you think?
We're going to Hong Kong tomorrow and it's pouring outside. I think a storm is coming and it's not gonna be good for our trip. You think you can put in a good word for us and see if The Lord can work his magic and give me some cloudy weather for the rest of the week? Wow, I just heard thunder! Please, pretty, please!
Look at the following pictures? Your brother has taken up a new interest, cleaning! He saw Ah Gung mopping yesterday and wanted to do it. He kept on saying he wanted to help and that he's like Auntie cleaning. He's working up a sweat! He was having so much fun with the broom and the mop. He actually did a good job. He moved his new potty (the blue one on the floor) to mop the area behind it. Too bad he still resists using the potty.
We took your brother to the playground this morning after dim sum. He actually came to this playground last time. But back then, we had to be with him the whole time as he couldn't quite master going up and down the stairs like a pro, yet. This time area, he can run around the play area all by himself. His attention span was really short with each exercise apparatus. He played for 10 seconds, and then moved on to another one. At least it kept him entertained for a while, and he didn't run off.
Unfortunately, after all that exercise, he still didn't take a nap this afternoon. I tried for over an hour, yet he was still twisting and turning, and just wasn't tired. We're going out for some Japanese food tonight, just Ah Gung, Ah Po, Mommy and big brother. Your Uncle and Auntie have school and work. Let's hope your brother won't fall asleep while eating, and won't act crazy because of the lack of the afternoon nap.
Mommy won't be able to talk to you for the rest of the week since I'll be in Hong Kong. I'll tell you all about it when I come back, and show you lots of pictures, ok? In the meantime, please pray that we will have decent weather. Thanks, honey!
Miss you,
Monday, May 18, 2009
Yummy Delicious Portuguese Food!
Hello Baby,
How's the warm weather? I wonder if you're as sweaty as your big brother and Mommy, or like Daddy who can wear layers of clothes and not sweat at all. I remember when you're home, Mommy always worried you were gonna be too warm, because everybody tried to give you so many layers of thick clothes.

So let me tell you what we did today. We basically stayed home most of the time, but we did go out for dinner. We went to this awesome Portuguese restaurant called A Lorcha. It gotta be one of the best, if not the best, Portuguese restaurants in town. Look at all the yummy food!
We first started with a Seafood Soup (Left) and my favorite Cabbage and Potato Soup (Right).
As for entrees, we have:
Lamb Chops with Fries - You bet your brother ate most of the fries. He even yelled at his Uncle Carlos when he tried to take some fries and using a fork. I guess your brother thinks that Fries is a finger food and should not be eaten with utensils?
Next up is the Clams in Garlic and Olive Oil. The soup base was delicious. I expected it to be a little greasy because of the olive oil, but it's not. Very clear and sweet (clam sweetness).
How's the warm weather? I wonder if you're as sweaty as your big brother and Mommy, or like Daddy who can wear layers of clothes and not sweat at all. I remember when you're home, Mommy always worried you were gonna be too warm, because everybody tried to give you so many layers of thick clothes.

So let me tell you what we did today. We basically stayed home most of the time, but we did go out for dinner. We went to this awesome Portuguese restaurant called A Lorcha. It gotta be one of the best, if not the best, Portuguese restaurants in town. Look at all the yummy food!
We first started with a Seafood Soup (Left) and my favorite Cabbage and Potato Soup (Right).
As for entrees, we have:

Then we have the famous Seafood Rice. It's Deeeeelicous!! The best Seafood Rice I've ever had. When we left the restaurant, we noticed 8 out of 10 tables ordered this rice. Yum Yum YUM!
This is the Bloody Chicken. Usually we eat Bloody Duck, but they only have the chicken version. It doesn't look very appetizing, but it's very delicious. It's sour though, so I guess not that many people like it. But we do!
Can't have Portuguese food without some bacalhau (salted cod fish). We ordered the Baked Bacalhau with Mashed Potato. It was surprisingly good, as this is our first time trying this version of bacalhau. Your Auntie Mena ate most of it coz she loved it so much!
Last but not the least, DESSERTS!!! When asked what he liked, your brother immediately pointed to the chocolate mousse. But then while we're sharing, we noticed that there's alcohol in it, so we quickly switched it out and have your brother eat the Mango Pudding instead. Just as delicious.
Your brother didn't eat much rice, but he sure did eat two big piggy buns. After fries, he wanted to dip his bread into the ketchup. He LOVES ketchup. Ah Po tried to do the same, but she said it didn't taste good.
This was a nice dinner. Good food with good company. Luckily, we made reservations (limited to 1.5 hrs) because when we left, we saw a lot of people waiting in line. This is also a good dinner because Ah Po was able to eat most of the food. Her teeth are not great and her taste buds have changed recently. She wasn't able to eat a lot of food, but she enjoyed the meal. That's the most important thing. She wanted to know how much it is, just for the sake of knowing. But I told her, as long as you can eat and love the food, she doesn't need to know. I wish you and Daddy could enjoy this meal as well. Last time when Mommy took Daddy to another Portuguese restaurant, he really liked the food. I bet he would love this restaurant as well. Maybe next time we come back, we can come again. I am definitely going to have another Portuguese meal before I go back. Hard to have a good decent Portuguese restaurant in the Bay Area.
The evening ends with some more dessert. Your Uncle Carlos won a little money playing Mahjong last night, so he treated us to some Haagen Daz.
We got the Green Tea and Tiramisu flavors. They said the Tiramisu is a little too sweet for their taste. I told them, don't eat and I'll eat them all! HA!
Of course, your brother enjoyed the ice-cream as well. He didn't eat much as it was late. I didn't want him to stay awake for the rest of the night. He already had dessert earlier. Luckily, he fell asleep pretty fast.
That wraps up our day. Today, Mommy will go to the travel agency to purchase the packages for our Hong Kong Disneyland Trip this weekend. Mommy, big brother and Uncle Carlos will go to Hong Kong Thursday and hit Ocean Park first. Then we will meet up with everyone at Disneyland on Saturday.
I'll tell you all about the trip later. Many have also uploaded all of our pictures at our Gallery.
Love you,
This is the Bloody Chicken. Usually we eat Bloody Duck, but they only have the chicken version. It doesn't look very appetizing, but it's very delicious. It's sour though, so I guess not that many people like it. But we do!
Can't have Portuguese food without some bacalhau (salted cod fish). We ordered the Baked Bacalhau with Mashed Potato. It was surprisingly good, as this is our first time trying this version of bacalhau. Your Auntie Mena ate most of it coz she loved it so much!
Last but not the least, DESSERTS!!! When asked what he liked, your brother immediately pointed to the chocolate mousse. But then while we're sharing, we noticed that there's alcohol in it, so we quickly switched it out and have your brother eat the Mango Pudding instead. Just as delicious.
Your brother didn't eat much rice, but he sure did eat two big piggy buns. After fries, he wanted to dip his bread into the ketchup. He LOVES ketchup. Ah Po tried to do the same, but she said it didn't taste good.
This was a nice dinner. Good food with good company. Luckily, we made reservations (limited to 1.5 hrs) because when we left, we saw a lot of people waiting in line. This is also a good dinner because Ah Po was able to eat most of the food. Her teeth are not great and her taste buds have changed recently. She wasn't able to eat a lot of food, but she enjoyed the meal. That's the most important thing. She wanted to know how much it is, just for the sake of knowing. But I told her, as long as you can eat and love the food, she doesn't need to know. I wish you and Daddy could enjoy this meal as well. Last time when Mommy took Daddy to another Portuguese restaurant, he really liked the food. I bet he would love this restaurant as well. Maybe next time we come back, we can come again. I am definitely going to have another Portuguese meal before I go back. Hard to have a good decent Portuguese restaurant in the Bay Area.
The evening ends with some more dessert. Your Uncle Carlos won a little money playing Mahjong last night, so he treated us to some Haagen Daz.
We got the Green Tea and Tiramisu flavors. They said the Tiramisu is a little too sweet for their taste. I told them, don't eat and I'll eat them all! HA!
Of course, your brother enjoyed the ice-cream as well. He didn't eat much as it was late. I didn't want him to stay awake for the rest of the night. He already had dessert earlier. Luckily, he fell asleep pretty fast.
That wraps up our day. Today, Mommy will go to the travel agency to purchase the packages for our Hong Kong Disneyland Trip this weekend. Mommy, big brother and Uncle Carlos will go to Hong Kong Thursday and hit Ocean Park first. Then we will meet up with everyone at Disneyland on Saturday.
I'll tell you all about the trip later. Many have also uploaded all of our pictures at our Gallery.
Love you,
Sunday, May 17, 2009
BBQ in a hot sunny, humid day
Hello Sweetheart,
How are you today? I heard it's been a very hot weekend in the Bay Area. Up there in Los Altos must be super sunny and warm. I hope they gave you enough water there. Did you see Daddy yesterday? He said there weren't too many people.

Mommy and your big brother celebrated your little auntie's 9th birthday at a BBQ and then dinner. She shared the same birthday as your Uncle, which is May 21. It was hot and humid, and we were drenched in sweat all day. Luckily, it was a cloudy day with a breeze, if not, it would be unbearable (at least for me).

Last year when we came back, we also came here for a BBQ. But then, it was winter, so it was much more tolerable. We had so much food: chicken wings, pork chops, kalbi short ribs, cheese-filled sausages, fish, corn, yams, and different types of fish balls. Of course we had desserts and fruits, too. Your brother was too busy running around, and actually didn't eat too much. He was playing with this huge remote control car that your granduncle bought him for birthday last year. We didn't bring that home and just left it with Ah Po's. Perfect, coz he could play that again this year.

All of your aunties were running around chasing your big brother. They all babysat for him, so Mommy got a chance to relax. But then, they also spoiled him rotten with snacks, presents, and juices, even soda! Oh my! He had sodas and he liked it, of course. I had to put a stop to it because your brother was acting crazy and was getting tired. Towards the end of the BBQ, your brother acted like he was drunk and crazy. That's a sign he had to go home for his afternoon nap.

He did sleep for almost 2.5 hrs and I had to wake him up (he definitely didn't like that) to your little auntie's place for birthday cake. It was a yummy fruit and chocolate birthday cake. Your brother couldn't wait to tell us to put candles on the cake, and even blew the candles before your auntie could. Mommy also had some yummy durian. I haven't eaten that in a very, very long time. I could smell it once I got to the apartment, even if it was stored in the fridge! We then went to a restaurant for a late dinner: it was 9 p.m. then. Your brother didn't want to go inside the restaurant at first because it was too noisy. It was really very noisy and smokey. I hated the smoke when I came back to Asia. The noise and the smoke worsened my headache. I took some Ibuprofen and it still didn't help until I got out of the restaurant. Your brother didn't sleep until 11 p.m. and of course, he woke up today before 7 a.m. again. At least, he's not jetlagged anymore.
Talk to you soon.
Bye sweetie,
How are you today? I heard it's been a very hot weekend in the Bay Area. Up there in Los Altos must be super sunny and warm. I hope they gave you enough water there. Did you see Daddy yesterday? He said there weren't too many people.

Mommy and your big brother celebrated your little auntie's 9th birthday at a BBQ and then dinner. She shared the same birthday as your Uncle, which is May 21. It was hot and humid, and we were drenched in sweat all day. Luckily, it was a cloudy day with a breeze, if not, it would be unbearable (at least for me).

Last year when we came back, we also came here for a BBQ. But then, it was winter, so it was much more tolerable. We had so much food: chicken wings, pork chops, kalbi short ribs, cheese-filled sausages, fish, corn, yams, and different types of fish balls. Of course we had desserts and fruits, too. Your brother was too busy running around, and actually didn't eat too much. He was playing with this huge remote control car that your granduncle bought him for birthday last year. We didn't bring that home and just left it with Ah Po's. Perfect, coz he could play that again this year.

All of your aunties were running around chasing your big brother. They all babysat for him, so Mommy got a chance to relax. But then, they also spoiled him rotten with snacks, presents, and juices, even soda! Oh my! He had sodas and he liked it, of course. I had to put a stop to it because your brother was acting crazy and was getting tired. Towards the end of the BBQ, your brother acted like he was drunk and crazy. That's a sign he had to go home for his afternoon nap.

He did sleep for almost 2.5 hrs and I had to wake him up (he definitely didn't like that) to your little auntie's place for birthday cake. It was a yummy fruit and chocolate birthday cake. Your brother couldn't wait to tell us to put candles on the cake, and even blew the candles before your auntie could. Mommy also had some yummy durian. I haven't eaten that in a very, very long time. I could smell it once I got to the apartment, even if it was stored in the fridge! We then went to a restaurant for a late dinner: it was 9 p.m. then. Your brother didn't want to go inside the restaurant at first because it was too noisy. It was really very noisy and smokey. I hated the smoke when I came back to Asia. The noise and the smoke worsened my headache. I took some Ibuprofen and it still didn't help until I got out of the restaurant. Your brother didn't sleep until 11 p.m. and of course, he woke up today before 7 a.m. again. At least, he's not jetlagged anymore.
Talk to you soon.
Bye sweetie,
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Guangzhou Trip
Dear Baby Logan,
Happy 6-month old Birthday!! Can you believe you're 6 months old already? If you're healthy, you should be learning how to sit up and might be teething as well. You also have left us for 1 month and 1 day now. We held a mass for you today. Your 2 grand aunts and aunties came as well. It was nice of them to come. Daddy should come see you later today as well.
Want to know about our trip to Guangzhou? It was a busy short 2.5-day trip. We arrived in Guangzhou at around 8:30 p.m. on Friday evening. Had a late dinner, and your grandaunt #4 and granduncle #5 came to the station to pick us up. We then headed over to your great grandparents' house. Everyone was very excited to see your big brother. He's the star of this trip. How about Mommy describe our trip in bullet points? Just whatever pops in my head first.
- Great Grandfather's health was ok but not great. He got very sick at the same time you were very sick, but he was able to come back strong. One side of his body was somewhat paralyzed due to his stroke. He couldn't feed himself, sit or walk. He needs help with everything. This casts a burden on the rest of the family. I think your Ah Po saw this and commented that you don't want Mommy to suffer and be a burden, thus, you left us. Maybe that's true and it's God's will.
- Your Granduncle #6 is the sole caretaker of your great grandfather. He and your great grandmother #6 live with your great grandparents. This makes it really hard for him and your great grandmother to go anywhere because of the intensive support that they are providing.
-Had a huge dinner with everyone on Saturday night. All of your granduncles and aunties, little uncles and aunts, were all present.
-Aside from great grandma and grand aunt #4, the topic about you seems to be a taboo. It's definitely a very sensitive subject, and I think they all didn't want to sadden me.
-Everyone definitely noticed how much weight I have gained since they last saw me over a year ago. My stress-induced eating and post-pregnancy weight didn't seem to register with anybody. You don't even want to know how 'polite' Chinese could be when commenting you on weight, no matter how much they love you.
-Great Grandma said Great Grandpa has asked her about you. She pretended not to hear him in the beginning and then just said you couldn't come back, or some make-up story. I told Ah Po and her, that they could tell him whatever they think is appropriate. Because of his health, they didn't want to tell him the truth.
-As I mentioned earlier, everyone was happy to see your big brother. He has received so many gifts. He didn't really care much about gifts, except for the Nintendo that your little auntie gave him. Now he asked to play the game all the time.
-We also took your brother to a park/playground/theme park on Saturday. He had so much fun riding cars and running around. He didn't take a nap that day. I wasn't very happy about it because I knew he would go crazy at night. Of course, I am right. We took him out that evening and he was running around the shopping center like crazy. He even fell asleep while having dinner. At least, I think being sleep-deprived for a couple days has cured his jetlag. Let's hope he won't wake up at 3 a.m. tonight.
That's all I can think of right now. I'm tired and it's getting late (past midnight in Macau). Mommy will try to upload some pictures the next few days.
Take care honey, don't forget to be our guardian angel.
Love you,
Happy 6-month old Birthday!! Can you believe you're 6 months old already? If you're healthy, you should be learning how to sit up and might be teething as well. You also have left us for 1 month and 1 day now. We held a mass for you today. Your 2 grand aunts and aunties came as well. It was nice of them to come. Daddy should come see you later today as well.
Want to know about our trip to Guangzhou? It was a busy short 2.5-day trip. We arrived in Guangzhou at around 8:30 p.m. on Friday evening. Had a late dinner, and your grandaunt #4 and granduncle #5 came to the station to pick us up. We then headed over to your great grandparents' house. Everyone was very excited to see your big brother. He's the star of this trip. How about Mommy describe our trip in bullet points? Just whatever pops in my head first.
- Great Grandfather's health was ok but not great. He got very sick at the same time you were very sick, but he was able to come back strong. One side of his body was somewhat paralyzed due to his stroke. He couldn't feed himself, sit or walk. He needs help with everything. This casts a burden on the rest of the family. I think your Ah Po saw this and commented that you don't want Mommy to suffer and be a burden, thus, you left us. Maybe that's true and it's God's will.
- Your Granduncle #6 is the sole caretaker of your great grandfather. He and your great grandmother #6 live with your great grandparents. This makes it really hard for him and your great grandmother to go anywhere because of the intensive support that they are providing.
-Had a huge dinner with everyone on Saturday night. All of your granduncles and aunties, little uncles and aunts, were all present.
-Aside from great grandma and grand aunt #4, the topic about you seems to be a taboo. It's definitely a very sensitive subject, and I think they all didn't want to sadden me.
-Everyone definitely noticed how much weight I have gained since they last saw me over a year ago. My stress-induced eating and post-pregnancy weight didn't seem to register with anybody. You don't even want to know how 'polite' Chinese could be when commenting you on weight, no matter how much they love you.
-Great Grandma said Great Grandpa has asked her about you. She pretended not to hear him in the beginning and then just said you couldn't come back, or some make-up story. I told Ah Po and her, that they could tell him whatever they think is appropriate. Because of his health, they didn't want to tell him the truth.
-As I mentioned earlier, everyone was happy to see your big brother. He has received so many gifts. He didn't really care much about gifts, except for the Nintendo that your little auntie gave him. Now he asked to play the game all the time.
-We also took your brother to a park/playground/theme park on Saturday. He had so much fun riding cars and running around. He didn't take a nap that day. I wasn't very happy about it because I knew he would go crazy at night. Of course, I am right. We took him out that evening and he was running around the shopping center like crazy. He even fell asleep while having dinner. At least, I think being sleep-deprived for a couple days has cured his jetlag. Let's hope he won't wake up at 3 a.m. tonight.
That's all I can think of right now. I'm tired and it's getting late (past midnight in Macau). Mommy will try to upload some pictures the next few days.
Take care honey, don't forget to be our guardian angel.
Love you,
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
We survived the long flight!
Hello Sweetheart,
How are you? Mommy is doing well. I survived the long flight with your brother. Your brother was so tired that he fell asleep even before the plane took off. Well, our flight was at 1 a.m., and once he got on the plane, he fell asleep. He slept for an hour or two, woke up had a meal and then went back to sleep for another hour or so. That's all he slept during our flights. He was getting cranky and tired towards the end of the first long leg to Taipei. Then he got a little out of control at the airport, but made it safe to Macau. I think he adjusted to the time change and wasn't as jetlagged as he was last time. He just fell asleep for his afternoon nap. We'll be heading to Guangzhou later this evening to visit your great grandparents.
The weather here is so hot and humid. It's actually very nasty. Yesterday when we arrived, it was even worse. Took a shower and then I felt all sticky again. I thought May would be nicer than this. I can't even imagine how hot it's going to be in August. I know when we move to Sunnyvale, it's going to be hot as well, but at least it's not humid.
Ah Gung and Ah Po went to the hospital for Ah Po's check-up before the surgery at the end of the month. Ah Po seems to be doing well. I think your big brother being here really helped with everyone. Unknowingly, your big brother has become our rock: he has played a significant role in making sure we move on after you left. Everybody still misses you, and it seems hard to even talk about your passing, but I think we all hold up pretty well. Ah Gung and Ah Po printed out a picture of you, the one when Ah Po held you after your bath and we temporarily took your nasal cannula off. You were probably just 1.5-2 months old then. That was a really cute picture of you. You looked healthy and alert. I know it's sad for Ah Gung and Ah Po not seeing you when you went to heaven. However, in a way, I think it's good, because they have all the happy memories with you when you're home with us. They didn't have to see you at the hospital when you were intubated, and not being able to be held by anyone. I think it would be a lot harder for them.
Don't worry, sweetheart. We are all well. We miss you, but we're doing fine. I won't be able to talk to you for the next couple days when I am in China. We'll be back to Macau on Saturday afternoon and then attend a special mass for you. Mommy's favorite priest from Macau will be presiding over the mass at Mommy's hometown church. I've had many great memories singing in the choir when I was young.
Take care for now. Daddy will come see you on Saturday to wish you Happy 6-month old. Friday also marked the day that you're in heaven for a month. Time sure has gone by fast.
Love you,
How are you? Mommy is doing well. I survived the long flight with your brother. Your brother was so tired that he fell asleep even before the plane took off. Well, our flight was at 1 a.m., and once he got on the plane, he fell asleep. He slept for an hour or two, woke up had a meal and then went back to sleep for another hour or so. That's all he slept during our flights. He was getting cranky and tired towards the end of the first long leg to Taipei. Then he got a little out of control at the airport, but made it safe to Macau. I think he adjusted to the time change and wasn't as jetlagged as he was last time. He just fell asleep for his afternoon nap. We'll be heading to Guangzhou later this evening to visit your great grandparents.
The weather here is so hot and humid. It's actually very nasty. Yesterday when we arrived, it was even worse. Took a shower and then I felt all sticky again. I thought May would be nicer than this. I can't even imagine how hot it's going to be in August. I know when we move to Sunnyvale, it's going to be hot as well, but at least it's not humid.
Ah Gung and Ah Po went to the hospital for Ah Po's check-up before the surgery at the end of the month. Ah Po seems to be doing well. I think your big brother being here really helped with everyone. Unknowingly, your big brother has become our rock: he has played a significant role in making sure we move on after you left. Everybody still misses you, and it seems hard to even talk about your passing, but I think we all hold up pretty well. Ah Gung and Ah Po printed out a picture of you, the one when Ah Po held you after your bath and we temporarily took your nasal cannula off. You were probably just 1.5-2 months old then. That was a really cute picture of you. You looked healthy and alert. I know it's sad for Ah Gung and Ah Po not seeing you when you went to heaven. However, in a way, I think it's good, because they have all the happy memories with you when you're home with us. They didn't have to see you at the hospital when you were intubated, and not being able to be held by anyone. I think it would be a lot harder for them.
Don't worry, sweetheart. We are all well. We miss you, but we're doing fine. I won't be able to talk to you for the next couple days when I am in China. We'll be back to Macau on Saturday afternoon and then attend a special mass for you. Mommy's favorite priest from Macau will be presiding over the mass at Mommy's hometown church. I've had many great memories singing in the choir when I was young.
Take care for now. Daddy will come see you on Saturday to wish you Happy 6-month old. Friday also marked the day that you're in heaven for a month. Time sure has gone by fast.
Love you,
Monday, May 11, 2009
Ready to fly soon
Dear Baby,
Mommy and Big Brother will be flying out tonight to see Ah Gung and Ah Po. Our flight is at 1 a.m., and because we're unable to get two seats together, we have to go to the airport early to get those seats. The Reservations lady told me that the flight is 95% full. Ack! So many people flying! Don't they need to work? I am hoping *fingers crossed* that they might upgrade us if they couldn't get us two seats together. We'll see.
Mommy won't be able to come visit for 6 weeks. In the meantime, Daddy will stop by. I will still try to write to you as often as possible, telling you all the fun things we're doing, and updating you on Ah Po's health. Don't forget to watch over us, and also to keep Daddy company. Daddy might feel lonely.
Take care sweetheart.
Miss you lots,
Mommy and Big Brother will be flying out tonight to see Ah Gung and Ah Po. Our flight is at 1 a.m., and because we're unable to get two seats together, we have to go to the airport early to get those seats. The Reservations lady told me that the flight is 95% full. Ack! So many people flying! Don't they need to work? I am hoping *fingers crossed* that they might upgrade us if they couldn't get us two seats together. We'll see.
Mommy won't be able to come visit for 6 weeks. In the meantime, Daddy will stop by. I will still try to write to you as often as possible, telling you all the fun things we're doing, and updating you on Ah Po's health. Don't forget to watch over us, and also to keep Daddy company. Daddy might feel lonely.
Take care sweetheart.
Miss you lots,
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day spent with my Dearest
My Dear Baby,
It's Mother's Day. It should be a day that I celebrate with you and your big brother. It's a day that you two monkeys give me big hugs and kisses, and tell me "I love you, Mommy". Even though you're not here, I know you whisper those words to me in Heaven. Mother's Day has been commercialized. People say everyday should be Mother's Day and we don't need a day to tell us to be good to our mothers. In a way, I agree. But I still want a special day! I don't care about commercialism, I want to celebrate Mother's Day!!!
I've read many sad blogs about today, because so many mothers are still grieving. Some still couldn't move on, and decided not to celebrate Mother's Day. Others like me, continue to celebrate. I don't know how I feel if I don't have your big brother. I might just be so sad to do anything, because you're not here with me. Fortunately, your big brother has been my strength. He makes Mommy and Daddy happy. Mommy will continue to miss and love you, but Mommy will also continue to be a good mommy to your brother. I want to celebrate Mother's Day, because it's a special day for him as well. He might not understand the meaning of today, but I know he will have good memories.

Mommy's day started with a pretty waffle breakfast made by Daddy. We then headed to the San Francisco Zoo. We did not hit every single area, as it became late and your brother was getting really tired. The best part for him was to see animals that he has been reading from books, especially, his Diego book, EVERY NIGHT. He got to see the real chinchilla, armadillo, tapir, anteater, bears, monkeys, owls, and lions. We saw other animals, too, but the ones I mentioned were his favorites, esp. Chinchilla and Anteater. We read about them every night, and he wanted Mommy to draw an anteater every night. I was surprised to actually see them at the zoo.
The most memorable moment? Running in horror as a swarm of bees slowly descending upon us and everyone else who were admiring the prairie dogs. It was scary! Mommy was literally carrying your brother and running out of the area, as the bees were hitting us at eye level. Thank goodness we're ok. We also got on the steam train. Your big brother likes trains. Daddy didn't like waiting in line, but Mommy forced him to. Luckily, we waited for less than 30 mins, if not Daddy would get grouchy and your brother would get super impatient.
It was a fun and tiring day. Your brother got home and immediately fell asleep after putting him to bed. Mommy got super sunburned with red arms and raccoon eyes. Did you see all of the action in heaven? How I wish you were there with us. There were so many families there, since it's free zoo day. Every time I saw a baby passed by, I thought of you.
Mommy and big brother will be going back to Macau tomorrow night. You need to watch over us and also keep Daddy company, ok?
Time for Mommy to sleep. I have included some pictures of your brother's favorite animals. Too bad I couldn't get a good picture of the chinchilla (he was running around too fast), or the armadillo (too dark). Enjoy!
Prairie Dogs - They were so cute and your brother enjoyed watching them running around (also when the bees start attacking us)
Love you,
It's Mother's Day. It should be a day that I celebrate with you and your big brother. It's a day that you two monkeys give me big hugs and kisses, and tell me "I love you, Mommy". Even though you're not here, I know you whisper those words to me in Heaven. Mother's Day has been commercialized. People say everyday should be Mother's Day and we don't need a day to tell us to be good to our mothers. In a way, I agree. But I still want a special day! I don't care about commercialism, I want to celebrate Mother's Day!!!
I've read many sad blogs about today, because so many mothers are still grieving. Some still couldn't move on, and decided not to celebrate Mother's Day. Others like me, continue to celebrate. I don't know how I feel if I don't have your big brother. I might just be so sad to do anything, because you're not here with me. Fortunately, your big brother has been my strength. He makes Mommy and Daddy happy. Mommy will continue to miss and love you, but Mommy will also continue to be a good mommy to your brother. I want to celebrate Mother's Day, because it's a special day for him as well. He might not understand the meaning of today, but I know he will have good memories.
Mommy's day started with a pretty waffle breakfast made by Daddy. We then headed to the San Francisco Zoo. We did not hit every single area, as it became late and your brother was getting really tired. The best part for him was to see animals that he has been reading from books, especially, his Diego book, EVERY NIGHT. He got to see the real chinchilla, armadillo, tapir, anteater, bears, monkeys, owls, and lions. We saw other animals, too, but the ones I mentioned were his favorites, esp. Chinchilla and Anteater. We read about them every night, and he wanted Mommy to draw an anteater every night. I was surprised to actually see them at the zoo.
The most memorable moment? Running in horror as a swarm of bees slowly descending upon us and everyone else who were admiring the prairie dogs. It was scary! Mommy was literally carrying your brother and running out of the area, as the bees were hitting us at eye level. Thank goodness we're ok. We also got on the steam train. Your big brother likes trains. Daddy didn't like waiting in line, but Mommy forced him to. Luckily, we waited for less than 30 mins, if not Daddy would get grouchy and your brother would get super impatient.
It was a fun and tiring day. Your brother got home and immediately fell asleep after putting him to bed. Mommy got super sunburned with red arms and raccoon eyes. Did you see all of the action in heaven? How I wish you were there with us. There were so many families there, since it's free zoo day. Every time I saw a baby passed by, I thought of you.
Mommy and big brother will be going back to Macau tomorrow night. You need to watch over us and also keep Daddy company, ok?
Time for Mommy to sleep. I have included some pictures of your brother's favorite animals. Too bad I couldn't get a good picture of the chinchilla (he was running around too fast), or the armadillo (too dark). Enjoy!
Love you,
Mother's Day celebration with Grandma and Stacy's Wedding
Good morning sweetheart,
How are you? Did you enjoy our visit and the flowers yesterday? I tried to explain to your big brother that you're living at your new home with other children now. I am not sure how much he understands, but I think he understands a lot more than I give him credit. When I told him we're going to Church for your mass, he said "Don't Cry". He actually said that twice. He remembered last time we went to church, I was crying because it was your good-bye mass.
After visiting you, we met up with Uncle John and Auntie Katie for dim sum, a Mother's Day lunch for grandma. It was a lovely lunch and your brother ate so much fried stuff and couldn't stop drinking his strawberry yogurt drink.
Then we went to Super Suppers to pick up some frozen meals. Daddy's Tun Tavern friends have given us a VIP membership to Super Suppers for 3 months, so that we could have 12 meals and 2 sides each month. They gave us the gift when you're still in the hospital, as scheduling to shop and cook was difficult. Now Daddy could enjoy the meals when Mommy and Brother go back to Macau next week. We then dropped off your brother at Grandma's house. Grandma was watching Aidan because Daddy and Mommy had to attend Auntie Stacy's wedding.
Speaking of the wedding, it was beautiful and so "Auntie Stacy". The Jewish ceremony was funny and touching. This is the first Jewish wedding Daddy and Mommy have attended, so we're unfamiliar with the traditions. I think the Rabbi did a great job. The restaurant, Sens, at Embarcardero 4, was beautiful. The lamb meatballs, smoked salmon, chicken kabobs, fried cheese cubes appetizers were delicious! Now we're expecting great food to come later. Can't beat an open bar as well. Because Daddy and Mommy were seated at the last table, food came out last. We had to eat super fast because we had to pick up your big brother. Grandma had to work today, so Aidan couldn't stay overnight. But the lamb chops were delicious!! We had to leave right when the First Dance started and missed out on the dessert, cake-cutting and dancing.
Daddy and Mommy wanted to come back to this restaurant another night to try another dish. This is one of the best weddings I've ever attended. Auntie Stacy and Uncle Jason look so happy, and Mommy is very happy for them. Please watch over Auntie Stacy and Uncle Jason when they travel to Israel for their honeymoon next week. Auntie Stacy has been a good friend of Mommy, and she has also come to visit you at the hospital. Remember the cute stuff little lamb that she got you?
Mommy needs to get ready to go to the zoo now. We're spending Mother's Day there. I'll give you all the details about our trip tonight, ok? For now, enjoy some pictures taken at the wedding.
Miss you,
How are you? Did you enjoy our visit and the flowers yesterday? I tried to explain to your big brother that you're living at your new home with other children now. I am not sure how much he understands, but I think he understands a lot more than I give him credit. When I told him we're going to Church for your mass, he said "Don't Cry". He actually said that twice. He remembered last time we went to church, I was crying because it was your good-bye mass.
After visiting you, we met up with Uncle John and Auntie Katie for dim sum, a Mother's Day lunch for grandma. It was a lovely lunch and your brother ate so much fried stuff and couldn't stop drinking his strawberry yogurt drink.
Then we went to Super Suppers to pick up some frozen meals. Daddy's Tun Tavern friends have given us a VIP membership to Super Suppers for 3 months, so that we could have 12 meals and 2 sides each month. They gave us the gift when you're still in the hospital, as scheduling to shop and cook was difficult. Now Daddy could enjoy the meals when Mommy and Brother go back to Macau next week. We then dropped off your brother at Grandma's house. Grandma was watching Aidan because Daddy and Mommy had to attend Auntie Stacy's wedding.
Speaking of the wedding, it was beautiful and so "Auntie Stacy". The Jewish ceremony was funny and touching. This is the first Jewish wedding Daddy and Mommy have attended, so we're unfamiliar with the traditions. I think the Rabbi did a great job. The restaurant, Sens, at Embarcardero 4, was beautiful. The lamb meatballs, smoked salmon, chicken kabobs, fried cheese cubes appetizers were delicious! Now we're expecting great food to come later. Can't beat an open bar as well. Because Daddy and Mommy were seated at the last table, food came out last. We had to eat super fast because we had to pick up your big brother. Grandma had to work today, so Aidan couldn't stay overnight. But the lamb chops were delicious!! We had to leave right when the First Dance started and missed out on the dessert, cake-cutting and dancing.
Daddy and Mommy wanted to come back to this restaurant another night to try another dish. This is one of the best weddings I've ever attended. Auntie Stacy and Uncle Jason look so happy, and Mommy is very happy for them. Please watch over Auntie Stacy and Uncle Jason when they travel to Israel for their honeymoon next week. Auntie Stacy has been a good friend of Mommy, and she has also come to visit you at the hospital. Remember the cute stuff little lamb that she got you?
Mommy needs to get ready to go to the zoo now. We're spending Mother's Day there. I'll give you all the details about our trip tonight, ok? For now, enjoy some pictures taken at the wedding.
Miss you,
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