Day 14 - Intubated
Hank went to the hospital today instead of me. I got to spend time with Aidan by taking him The Little Gym, lunch, and then a haircut. According to Hank, Logan was doing fine. Hank said Logan desat-ed twice when he was there, due to his coughing/gagging. After slowly decreasing the dosage of Chloral Hydrate and giving him some Valium, the diarrhea problem was solved.
As for Aidan and I, Aidan had a really good "sweet" day. We first went to The Little Gym for his class and he got to play the pirate. I think he followed directions a little better this week, by not running around the gym as much as before, but actually stuck to his group. At the end of the class, the children did at treasure hunt and he got some gummy bears as a treat. After class, we went out for lunch at a Filipino restaurant. We've actually never been to this restaurant before, but I was walking by and saw it's pretty full and it's close to the haircut place, so why not give it a try. I always like to try out new restaurants. We ordered then Pansit (noodles), and Aidan liked it. It's a little salty for my taste, but at least it's not too dry. At the end of the meal, one of the owners/staff asked Aidan if he liked ice-cream. Of course he said yes. Aidan chose purple out of the selection and he got a free taro ice-cream. It was delicious! It had tiny little bits of taro. After lunch, we walked over to the haircut place. It's packed with little kids but the wait was short. This is the third time Aidan's been here and finally, he enjoyed his hair cut. The first time, he cried like a baby. Second time, he made weird, frowing faces, but at least he sat still. This time was smooth and fun. Of course, he couldn't leave the place without his choo choo train ride and the lollipop at the end. He was so sugar-high by the end of the afternoon that it took forever, and many tears, for him to settle down and take a little nap. Nonetheless, it was a good day.

* September 08 (before cut)

*December 08 (after cut)

*March 09 (after cut)
The lady at the haircut place gel-ed Aidan's hair, and he looked like a little boy. Every time he gets a haircut, he looks a little older. This time with his hair all gel-ed up, he looks even older. Aidan is growing up too fast. He's not my happy, sociable, cute baby anymore. He's actually become stubborn and emotional, but still loves to hug and kiss mommy. On the other hand, Logan seems to not grow up fast enough. I want Logan to grow up like Aidan, likes to hug and kiss, but we are lacking practice in that area at the moment. Don't worry, we'll make up big time later.
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