Day 17 - Intubated
Grandma came to the hospital and visited Logan today. She attended rounds when the doctors came in. When we first arrived, the nurse told me that Logan just got back from his VCUG. He was a little mad when they put the catheter in him, but overall he did great. The nurses gave him a dose of Versed to calm him down, but he was still wide awake when transported down to radiology.
Everything seems to be fine but we're waiting for the official read from the radiologist. If all goes well, we can stop his antibiotics. That's good, one less medication in his tiny body. During rounds, the Resident reported that last night was good and there's no respiratory distress. Since decreasing his ventilator rate yesterday, Logan's blood gas showed that O2 was a little low this morning. So, they increased the rate back to 20 instead of 16. However, I did notice the O2 saturation from the ventilator has decreased from 30% to 25%. From the respiratory chart, I noticed they lowered it all the way down to 21% last night (room air) but after a few hours, it was bumped back up to 25%. Probably Logan didn't sat very well. They started feeding him again yesterday and he was tolerating it fine. They said because he has no problem with feeding, his colon is functioning normally. I had to ask the nurses again later why we're concerned about his colon, as he was tolerating feeds before anyway. Apparently, his tummy was a little bigger over the weekend but yesterday and today, it was smaller and soft. The nurses explained that because he used to have continued feed of Versed and so much Chloral Hydrate, it might have affected the colon and slowed things down a little. But it seems like the colon is not a concern. Thank goodness! I was SO worried it's the Mitochondrial disease that is attacking his colon now. Thank GOD for listening to our prayers! So, as mentioned yesterday, they are going to try this new drug, Doxapram, on him to see if it will stimulate his brain to breathe better. They will first give it to him through his IV for a few hours. They will wait for a few hours and then decrease the rate of his ventilator from 20 to 16, and do a blood gas. If all goes well, they will further decrease his rate and have him go on cpap and do some lung exercise. Let's hope this medication works!!! Please make it work!!
We're still waiting for blood tests results. Logan is nice and calm now. He was moving around earlier this morning and had to have this arm out. At one point, I have to stand right next to him to make sure he's not pulling anything off. He calmed down and went to sleep while I was holding his hand with my right hand, and have my laptop on his bed and surfing with my left hand. :) It's nice to know that he finds comfort in holding mommy's hand.
On the other hand, I just got a phone call from Aidan's preschool. He has a fever! I'm waiting for Hank to come pick me up from the hospital, so that we can pick him up at school. Unfortunately, I didn't drive today, so we have to all leave early. I hope he's ok. His cheeks looked a little rosy last night but his forehead didn't feel warm. It's probably the flu. He's been having a runny nose and coughing for the last 2 weeks, ever since he started preschool. New germs from new school.
Hi Virginia, Please give Logan a "High Five" for me. He is a warrior, he will make you proud. I'm glad you've the chance to held him the other day. He must love to have you around and feel your touch.
I hope Aiden feels better soon. Please take care of yourself as well while you're busy taking care of everyone else. Peggy @ Seattle
Hmm...Aidan has the cold symptoms for 2 weeks??? Is his mucous yellow or green??? Maybe it's time to to take him to his Ped to get a prescription of antibiotic.
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