I came in at 10:45 a.m. and just missed the rounds. Darn it.. it's the DST change that threw me off, plus I was really tired yesterday.
Basically, the nurse told me they have increased the respiration rate of the ventilator to 24 breaths/min instead of 16 when I left yesterday. He wasn't breathing a lot whole, probably because of the sedation, or he's just having those episodes. At 24, it's about the rate of a baby his age. They started feeding him through the ng tube this morning at 20 ml/hour. When I arrived, they increased it to 25 ml and decreased the IV fluid. On top of that, they found something growing in his mucous. Since he was coughing so much yesterday, they did a culture of his mucous and found something growing. His RSV test was negative, so I am not sure what type of virus/bacteria he has again. He's going to be on a different antibiotics, one that helps with this and his bladder infection. There's a chance that he might get his MRI today, but we don't know when. Hopefully, it's today and the MRI can tell us something.
Tomorrow, the team of specialists will be back and maybe we will have another action plan. It's been suggested that I get a second opinion. Aside from the HMO crap, I don't even know which specialist I should get a second opinion from. His current team of specialist includes: Director of PICU (his primary pediatrician here), a few other PICU pediatricians, 2 Pedi Neurologist, Pedi GI doctor, and Pedi Pulmonologist. Where do I start and how? I am hoping by Monday when more tests are being done, we will have an answer.
11:30 a.m.- His IV came out and the nurses are trying to put it back. Didn't work and they need to give him a new IV. He's semi-awake and wiggling. The nurse had to give him drugs to sedate him through his ng tube.
12:00 p.m.- Still couldn't find a good spot. The nurse just asked me if it's OK to put in on his skull. I can't say NO to that. It's not the first time and I know it's hard to see him like that, but he needs his IV. I hated seeing him like that.
12:05 p.m. - He fell asleep now, either because of the drugs or he's just tired from struggling. Now the nurses and Respiratory therapist are re-taping his ventilator tube, re-starting his IV fluid and all the fun stuff.
On the other hand, I wanted to purchase a Acid Reflux wedge pillow for him. He looked so uncomfortable lying in bed with all the towels. This pillow isn't cheap, but he can use that in the hospital and I can bring that back home for him. I called Hank to order it at home and see if we can get it in a day or two, so he can use it soon. I checked-in with the doctor and he's fine with that, as long as he has that 30 degrees elevation.
12:30 p.m.- All the commotion is over. Now he's asleep and the room is all calmed down again.
2:20 p.m. - Logan is nice and calm and sleeping. I think the MRI will be done on Monday instead of today, which may not be a bad idea. Since he's stable, I will leave soon and be back early tomorrow.
Can't the doctors give you any recommendations on specialists? How about lucille packard childrens hospital @ stanford? there must be some online group somewhere where you can get recommendations.
Hope Logan gets better soon!
I think I will explore the option of going somewhere else after the MRI and the pH Probe results. As much as I like everyone here,I need to know Logan is ok as well. *sigh*
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