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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Chaperoning for the 1st time!

Dear Logan,

I've been meaning to tell you about the trip to Hidden Villa for a long time.  But then, Mommy's laziness, procrastination, fatigue, TV, web surfing and Facebook, got the best of me.  So, I am just writing to you now about my experience to go on a field trip with your big brother.

Ever since I got the list of field trips at the beginning of the school year, I've been thinking about volunteering to be a chaperon for one of these trips.  However, I keep on putting that off and forgetting about it.  This month, Aidan requested and really wanted me to come along.  I felt so bad that 2/3 of the school year has gone, and I still haven't gone on a field trip.  So, I took a day off from work and went with him and his school friends to Hidden Villa in Los Altos on March 3rd.

The few days before the trip, it was raining cats and dogs.  Luckily, the rain stopped the day of the trip, but going to a farm in the mud wasn't something I am used to.  I should have listened to the teachers and got Aidan his rain boots.  But because it wasn't raining that day, I didn't, and what a messy mistake I made.

I arrived to school and met with 5 other parent-chaperons.  Everyone was in good spirits, and we had some time to kill before the school bus arrived.  I was assigned to be with Aidan, of course, and his little friend Sindu.  The ride to Hidden Villa was about 20-30 minutes.  It wasn't that far away, but the non-stop talking and questioning from the children drove me a little crazy.  They were cute, but gosh, they really do talk non-stop.  I don't know how the teachers do it everyday.

When we arrived, we met up with 4 other guides.  Our school team of about about 40 students, 5 teachers and 8 chaperons were split up in 4 groups.  We first visited the garden: touched, smelled and tasted different plants and flowers.  It was a lovely experience to be with nature.  Daddy and Mommy really are not the nature type.  We don't take Aidan hiking and usually don't do any nature walk aside from being at a park.  So, to have Aidan experienced this was great.  He seemed to be having a lot of fun.

Then we walked to visit the animals.  We saw sheep, chicken, and cows.  Unfortunately, we didn't have enough time to visit the goats.  Did you know that after you put your fingers/hand inside the nice warm wool of a sheep, your fingers will feel a little greasy?  Interesting, right?  I never knew that!

The whole tour lasted about an hour, and then it's lunch time.  A quick lunch of sandwiches, chips, fruit cups and juices later, we're heading back to school.  And let me tell you, our ride back was horrible.  I had a really bad headache, and I knew another parent had one as well.  We're all tired, and the kids still had so much energy that they kept talking non-stop again.  By the time we're back to school, I was BEYOND tired!!!  I got Aidan settled in his mat and hope that he would take a nap.

I got home, took some Advil and went straight to bed.  I slept for two whole hours!  There is no way the teachers can take all these kids on an outdoor field trip without any chaperons.  I actually asked the teacher this and she said the trip would have to be canceled if there's no volunteers.  There's mud everywhere, so many things for the kids to pick up and put in their mouths, running around and not following instructions, etc.  This was so much more work than going to work, plus my 2-hour commute.  But you know what, I signed up to be a chaperon again in April.  Though it was tiring, it was fun as well.  I know your brother really wants me to go.  It makes him happy, so it makes me happy.

Next month, we're going to a LOL Party (whatever it is) at a Sportsplex.  I am not sure what to expect, but at least there won't be mud and all the kids are indoors.
