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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday, Logan!

Dear Logan,

Happy Birthday!  I can't believe you're 3 years old already.  I still remember the day you were born and how you're wheeled to the NICU for observations.  Time sure does fly.

I am so sorry that I haven't written to you for months.  I have been procrastinating and there's so much I wanted to tell you about.  But this procrastination is making it hard to catch up on the stories, feelings and events that have been happening.  It took your birthday for me to get over my laziness.

The last time we visited you, I told Aidan about your passing.  Lately, I've heard him use the words "die" and "dead" quite often.  I am not sure what Kindergarteners talk about these days at school.  He even heard of people saying that when you die, you become a star.  So, I asked him if he remembered visiting you at the hospital, and he did.  I explained to him that you got really sick and died.  I told him that people die because they got very sick, got old, or if they hurt themselves very badly.  I told him you're in Heaven with God and will be one of the stars in the sky watching over him.  Last Sunday, when we had our weekly Sunday dinner at Auntie Rachel and Uncle Paul's house, I sat with Aidan on their swing seat and enjoyed the view of the bright starry night.  Aidan then told me, "Logan is one of the stars up there".  Yes, you were one of the stars up there watching over us.  This talk about death did not seem to upset him, and I am glad he now can look up in the sky, knowing you're there.

We love you and miss you very, very much.


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