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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Introducing God...

Dear Logan,

When I was young, I was a very active participant in Church and in Choir, both in Macau and in Hawaii.  Even when I moved to San Francisco, I still went to Church every Sunday (OK, maybe most Sundays).  When Aidan was born, I have brought him to Church where he would sleep through the whole mass.  Then he got older, noisier, bored and a little out of control when I took him to Church.  Then I stopped going.

But with your illness and your eventual passing, God came back into my life.  Though your life was short, you have brought our family closer together (especially your grandfather) and also brought me closer to God.  It took me so many years before I officially introduced God to Aidan.  A couple months ago, I started bringing Aidan to Church again.  All of the Churches he's been to, he liked St. Joseph of Cupertino the most, and I am not sure if it's because he likes seeing the hymn numbers displayed, or he feels the affinity to this Church because of you.  I enrolled him in Sunday school a month ago, and he's been enjoying it.  He brought home activity sheets, stories and crafts that he made.  Tonight, we said our first bedtime prayer together.

I have finally decided to baptize Aidan.  When he was young, I thought I would just bring him to Church and let him decide if he wants to be baptized when he grows older.  But going back to Church, and this very special Church where you had your memorial service, made me realize that I do want Aidan to be baptized.  I left a voicemail for the priest to get more information about the Sacrament of Baptism, but have not heard back from him.  I guess it's time for a follow-up phone call or e-mail.  I have already asked Uncle Kyle and Auntie Leonor to be Aidan's godparents, and they have gladly accepted that.  Thanks!  Now, I just need to get the ball rolling.

I was glad I was able to have you baptized before you left us.


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