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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Back to work and back to school, may not be such a bad idea

Dear Logan,

Today is the second day of me going back to work.  It has been two very busy days.  While I was gone for a month, a lot has happened at work, and I had a lot of catch-up to do.  I couldn't really slowly ease myself back to work, as I need to update myself on what's been going on with my clients, and getting ready for the many meetings that have been scheduled for next week.

Aidan, on the other hand, has finally started at his new school.  It seems like he is having a good time, and likes his friends and teachers.  Yesterday, both daddy and mommy took him to his new school.  It was nice for us both to be present.  When I came home from work, I immediately asked him about his day.  He told me he has a best friend!  Wow, that was fast!  His best friend is Roger.  I noticed this little boy during the first trial day.  He was quiet, didn't say much, but also was observing Aidan and following him around a little.  He is a little shorter than Aidan, and possibly younger as well.  You know your brother, he's active and talkative.  It's really not hard for him to make friends.  I asked the teacher this morning when I dropped him off at school to confirm this new blossoming friendship.  Ms. R said that they were playing together a lot.  It's also nice to see Aidan giving Ms. R a big hug in the morning.  Although Aidan tends to hug everyone, I think it still hows he likes his teacher.

Being with Aidan for a whole month, esp. alone with him for the last 1.5 weeks, possibly put a strain in our relationship.  It's been a long time since I spent so much time with him alone.  It was tough, as he sometimes drives me crazy.  I need to keep him away from all electronic devices at home as much as possible: TV, computer, laptop, Wii, and cameras.  Thank god I am not a stay-at-home mother.  I would be a terrible mother.  I am addicted to the TV and laptop, and no wonder Aidan is as well.  I had to take him out every single day to keep him happy and active.  At the end of the day, I was so burnt out from being with him, I just wanted a break.

But now that I am back to work and I only get to spend 2-3 hours with him before he has to go to bed, the time we spend together has become priceless again.  I am eager to ask him everything about school, though he always says "I don't know".  I am happy to hug and kiss him non-stop, and read him stories every night.  Even getting him to sleep has become enjoyable again. 

Life is back to normal.  For once, I miss such normalcy in life...until I become restless and bored again.

Love you,

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